LGBTQ and Allies Forum
About the Forum
The LGBTQ and Allies Forum provides an inclusive and safe space for individuals who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender or questioning, or who have an interest in LGBTQ equality, to express their needs and views on services we provide and future plans for the town. Members can be individuals who live, work or are otherwise involved in community life in Northampton, or may attend on behalf of an organisation.
The Forum meets every 2 months on a Tuesday evening at 7pm. This alternates between a formal meeting at the Guildhall, and a social meeting at a venue chosen by members.
The forum has a councillor co-chair appointed to take a special interest in LGBTQ community needs and views on our behalf. This is currently Cllr Anna King, Cabinet member for Community Safety and Engagement.
The forum also has a community co-chair, elected from its members, currently Matthew Toresen.
Who can join?
Membership is open to everyone with an interest in LGBTQ equality. We do not ask people to out themselves in meetings or at events.
We do not record people as having attended meetings unless they wish to be identified. We may record attendance as, for example, 'representatives of Lesbian Line" to reflect an organisation was at the meeting or event without specifying individuals.
Join the Forum
If you would like to join the Forum or would like more information about the Forum and its work, please contact The Community Safety and Engagement Team on 01604 838592 or email [email protected].
You can also keep up to date with all forum activities and community events by joining the Northampton Community Forums group on Facebook.
Report a hate crime
A hate crime is any criminal offence or incident, which is perceived by any person as being motivated by a hostility or prejudice based on a personal characteristic such as sexual orientation or gender identity.
Our priorities
- to help community groups identify help to develop and support people in the community
- to support community groups to raise awareness of HIV and help educate people about related health and discrimination issues
- to challenge discrimination, both intentional and the sometimes unintended and unappreciated adverse impacts on LGBT and Q community of how some services operate
- to raise awareness among the LGBT and Q community in Northampton that we want to provide good services for all its customers, whatever their sexuality
Aims and objectives
The Forum seeks to monitor the effectiveness of our policy and practices in relation to LGBT equality. The Forum looks to equalise access to the services and benefits we provide by:
- providing information about services and how to access them
- identifying and removing barriers to ensure access to services
- promoting dialogue about issues of concern between us, our members and officers and other people in the community
- identifying the specific requirements of LGBT and Q people
The Forum also has remit to discuss issues relevant to Northampton, but which are outside our direct remit.
The LGBTQ forum celebrates and commemorates the following national days each year
- International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia: 17 May
- Northampton Pride
- International Coming Out Day: 11 October
- Hate Crime Awareness Week: October
- World AIDs Day; 1 December
Straight Allies
Launched by the LGBTQ Forum, the Straight Allies campaign recognises and celebrates the straight friends, colleagues and strangers whose belief that everyone is equal makes Northampton a safer place for everybody.
The forum designed and created a campaign badge for those who want to join the campaign and 'come out' as a straight ally!
If you would like more information on the campaign please contact [email protected].
- ACAS - Employment rights information
- Marriage and Civil Partnership Information
- Commission for Equality and Human Rights
- FFLAG (Friends and Families of Lesbians and Gays) - FFLAG is an organisation of parents of lesbian daughters and gay sons which seeks to promote the well-being of lesbian, gay and bisexual people, their families and friends. FFLAG works constructively to combat prejudice and discrimination and help to create a society that is respectful of human diversity
- Gay Business Association
- Lowdown - Free and confidential counselling, sexual health and LGBT support in Northampton. Provides youth group for under 18's, 18-25's group and a parents group
- LGBT History Month - National web site, emails available on subscription during the year
- London Friend - National organisation promoting health and well being of LGBT community and those uncertain of their sexuality
- Q Space - Local LGBTQ+ organisation providing support, training, events and youth groups. @QSpaceNorthants on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter
- Stonewall - National group campaigning for equality and to prevent attacks on gay men and lesbians
- Terrence Higgins Trust - THT was one of the first charities to be set up in response to the HIV epidemic and has been at the forefront of the fight against HIV and AIDS ever since. The Trust has a helpline. The Trust also has a wide range of publications and information on HIV, AIDS and sexual health for professionals and the public. It can provide guidance for employers in relation to HIV in the workplace and employer responsibilities.
Last updated 12 February 2024