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Together Trust

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The Together Trust is a voluntary organisation providing a wide range of care, special education and community services for children and adults with autism, learning disabilities, and/or complex needs.

The Together Trust believes that everybody deserves an equal chance in life. There are no exceptions. They provide a wide range of support services including fostering, residential, repite care, community, family support, and specialist educational support through their schools and college.

The Together Trust can also offer families and carers a wide range of training, consultancy, and support to help people make choices and have control.

In addition to local authority funded places, their services can be purchased by families, carers, and service-users (over the age of 18) or their brokers via a direct payment, individual budget, individual service fund, or personal/private funds.

The Together Trust’s central office is based in Cheadle, Stockport with various services based throughout the North West, but they accept referrals from all over the UK.

Sign up to receive the Together Trust’s e-newsletter, and keep up-to-date with all the news, events, and activities from the Together Trust.

The Together Trust is a registered charity (no. 209782).

National Organisation
Age range
Suitable for ages from 0 to 99 years
Referral route
No Referral Needed
For people with
Special Educational Needs or a Disability (SEND)
Eligibility criteria
Special Educational Needs or a Disability (SEND)
Provider category
Specialist Services - For those who require longer-term support


Schools Hill
United Kingdom


Publication on the Local Offer does not endorse a provider, so please take reasonable steps to ensure that any service found on the Local Offer is suitable for your family member. For more information, please read our disclaimer.

Last updated 12 April 2024