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Disabled Children’s Partnership

Disabled Children’s Partnership logo


The Disabled Children’s Partnership (DCP) is a growing coalition of more than 90 charities who have joined forces, working closely in partnership with parents, to campaign for improved health and social care for disabled children, young people and their families. The DCP does not run support or advice services for families, but many of the charities that make up its membership do.

The Disabled Children’s Partnership is administered by the Royal Mencap Society (registered charity no. 222377).

National Organisation
Age range
Suitable for ages from 0 to 100 years
Referral route
No Referral Needed
For people with
Special Educational Needs or a Disability (SEND)
Eligibility criteria
Open to Everyone
Provider category
  • Specialist Services - For those who require longer-term support
  • Targeted Services - Additional Support Needs


c/o Mencap, 6 Cyrus Way, Hampton
United Kingdom


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Last updated 22 March 2024