
How to contact this service
WellChild is national children’s charity that makes it possible for children and young people with serious and complex health needs to be cared for at home instead of hospital, wherever possible. Their services include:
WellChild Nurses provide essential care and practical support to children and young people with exceptional health needs and their families. They play a crucial role in enabling children to leave hospital and be cared for at home.
WellChild's Better at Home training suites provide home-from-home spaces where parents and carers can learn the often life-saving interventions needed by their child in a safe environment with state-of-the-art simulation equipment.
A growing network of families from across the UK, all of whom have children with serious and complex health needs.
WellChild Helping Hands works with teams of corporate volunteers to create safe, accessible and sensory garden and bedroom spaces for children and young people with complex health needs.
Find information about looking after a child with complex needs, from diagnosis to transition to adult services, and everything in between.
Every year, the WellChild Awards, supported by GSK, celebrates the inspirational qualities of children and young people with complex health conditions and the family members, professionals, and volunteers who help to care for them.
WellChild actively campaigns for the rights of the children and young people it supports. It is a founding member of the Disabled Children’s Partnership (DCP).
Wellchild is a registered charity (no. 289600).
- Cost
- Free
- Locality
- National Organisation
- Age range
- Suitable for ages from 0 to 18 years
- Referral route
- No Referral Needed
- For people with
- Medical Conditions
- Eligibility criteria
- Age Range - School
- Health Condition
- Age Range - Early Years
- Diagnosis
- Provider category
- Specialist Services - For those who require longer-term support
Office 23, Sunningend Business Centre, 22 Lansdown Industrial Estate,
GL51 8PL
United Kingdom
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Last updated 13 August 2024