SENDIASS: Choosing a School for a Child With Special Educational Needs or Disabilities (Factsheet) - WNC
How to contact this service
Choosing a school for your child can be a difficult process for parents, especially if your child has special educational needs. You may wish to consider the following list of questions when visiting a school.
Examples of questions you might want to ask:
School Organisation
- How is the school organised? Into departments? By age? By ability? Subject Groups?
- How might this change, as my child gets older?
- How often would my child change class or move around the school?
- How many children would be in my child's class?
- When and how often are children taught outside the classroom?
- How does the school arrange extra support for children who need it?
- Is the extra support usually provided in the classroom, individually or in small groups?
- What health or medical facilities does the school have?
- (If your child has difficulty walking) Are all areas of the school accessible to my child, or would adaptations be necessary?
Staff Knowledge & Experience
- Does the school have any experience of helping children who have similar difficulties to mine
- How many other children in the school have special educational needs? What kinds of needs do they have?
- How many staff are there in school? Teaching and Non-teaching special needs support staff?
- What training have staff had about special educational needs?
- What does the school do to make sure that all the staff would know about my child's individual needs?
Pastoral Care / Extra Curricular Activities
- How would the other children be helped to understand my child's special needs?
- How would my child be helped to make friends?
- How does the school help children to learn how to make the school a happy place? Does the behaviour system reward effort as well as success?
- What is the schools experience of bullying? How would the school prevent my child from being bullied?
- How would the school make sure my child has the chance to take part in all areas of the curriculum?
- How do you make sure all children have equal opportunities to take part in school trips?
- How would my child be encouraged to take part in out of school activities such as clubs and sports events?
Assessment and Progress
- How is children's progress monitored and recorded?
- How regularly would my child's progress be reviewed? Who is involved in this?
- What happens if school staff feel my child is not making progress?
- What would happen if I feel my child is not making progress or if I have any concerns?
- What special arrangements are there for internal exams, tests and SATs? (Older children) What public exams are children able to take & what is the success rate?
Communication / Support for Parents
- How would I be involved in the individual planning for my child's special educational needs?
- How often are written reports sent home?
- How would I be kept up to date about what is happening in school?
- How are parents involved in school life?
- Does the school produce newsletters for parents?
- What sort of support and guidance does the school offer for parents?
- Is there a parent’s group?
- What arrangements are usually made for transport to and from school?
- How would you get to know my child before they start at your school?
- How would my child get to know your school especially in the first few days after starting?
This information can be made available in other languages and formats upon request.
- Locality
- Brackley Area
- Corby Area
- Daventry Area
- East Northants Area
- Kettering Area
- Northampton Area
- Towcester Area
- Wellingborough Area
- North Northamptonshire
- West Northamptonshire
- Northamptonshire
- Additional languages
- Translation and/or Interpreting Available on Request
- Age range
- Suitable for ages from 5 years to 18 years
- Referral route
- No Referral Needed
- For people with
- Special Educational Needs or a Disability (SEND)
- Caring Responsibilities
- Eligibility criteria
- Age Range - School
- Carer / Family / Parent / Relative
- Special Educational Needs or a Disability (SEND)
- Provider category
- Targeted Services - Additional Support Needs
- Specialist Services - For those who require longer-term support
Follow this service
c/o SENDIASS, West Northamptonshire Council, One Angel Square, Angel Street
United Kingdom
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Last updated 10 June 2024