Learn and Thrive - Teach Me Too

How to contact this service
"Teach Me Too" (from Learn and Thrive) provides resources for early years and key stage 1 (KS1).
The resources are created with specialist speech and language therapists for children with down syndrome or SEN. They can be used at home, in school, or at support groups.
The resources cover literacy, maths, and the wider curriculum. They also explore language, and developing language through play.
"Teach Me Too" is dedicated to utilising innovation and technology to break down barriers to education and learning for every person with down syndrome, regardless of wealth, background, or postcode. As a result, all the resources can be access completely free.
The "Teach Me Too" resources are made with the learning profile of those with down syndrome in mind. However, they may be helpful for autistic children or children with other learning disabilities too.
Learn and Thrive is a registered charity (no. 1195053).
- Locality
- National Organisation
- Age range
- Suitable for ages from 0 to 7 years
- Referral route
- No Referral Needed
- Self Referral
- For people with
- Learning Disabilities
- Special Educational Needs or a Disability (SEND)
- Genetic Conditions
- Eligibility criteria
- Age Range - Early Years
- Assessment Needed
- Provider category
- Targeted Services - Additional Support Needs
Maidstone Community Support Centre, 39-48 Marsham Street
ME14 1HH
United Kingdom
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Last updated 27 March 2024