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Communication Matters

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Communication Matters is a UK-wide charity committed to supporting people of all ages who find communication difficult because they have little or no clear speech.

Find information on their website about methods of communication that can be used to supplement the more usual methods of speech and writing. These methods are called Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC).

Communication Matters' vision is a world where all individuals have a right to a voice through the provision of communication solutions and ongoing support services. Their mission is to promote an individual’s right to participate in all aspects of life by using their most appropriate means of communication to express their thoughts, feelings, needs and desires. Their main aims are to increase awareness of AAC, involve AAC users, improve service standards and encourage research.

Communication Matters is a registered charity (no. 327500). 

Contact provider for cost details
National Organisation
Age range
Suitable for ages from 0 to 99 years
Referral route
No Referral Needed
For people with
Speech, Language, and Communication Needs (SLCN)
Eligibility criteria
Open to Everyone
Provider category
  • Specialist Services - For those who require longer-term support
  • Targeted Services - Additional Support Needs


3rd Floor, University House, University of Leeds
West Yorkshire
United Kingdom


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Last updated 11 April 2024