The Gateway School and Technology College (Special)
St. John's Road, Tiffield
NN12 8AA
United Kingdom
How to contact this service
The Gateway School and Technology College is a special secondary school for 63 pupils aged 11-18 years in West Northamptonshire. It is part of the Creating Tomorrow Partnership, a multi academy trust of special schools and colleges.
Pupils have EHC Plans stating their primary (main) needs are:
- Social, Emotional & Mental Health (SEMH) Needs
Pupils may also have the following secondary (other) needs:
- Cognition and Learning Needs:
i.e. Moderate Learning Disabilities (MLD)
- Communication and Interaction Needs:
i.e. Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) i.e. Speech, Language and Communication Needs (SLCN)
All pupils will have an Education, Health, and Care (EHC) Plan. The Local Authority will have identified their needs as requiring placement at The Gateway School and Technology College.
- The Gateway School and Technology College - Accessibility Plan, 2019 (PDF 180KB)
- SEN policy and information report 2022 - 2023 (PDF )
Additional Information
SENCo: Sara Wilks ([email protected])
- Accreditations
No Inspection result (June 2024)
- Locality
- Towcester Area
- West Northamptonshire
- Northamptonshire
- Age range
- Suitable for ages from 11 years to 18 years
- Referral route
- Professional Referral
- For people with
- Social, Emotional, or Mental Health (SEMH) Needs
- Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
- Learning Disabilities
- Speech, Language, and Communication Needs (SLCN)
- Eligibility criteria
- Age Range - School
- Assessment Needed
- Special Educational Needs or a Disability (SEND)
- Provider category
- Specialist Services - For those who require longer-term support
Publication on the Local Offer does not endorse a provider, so please take reasonable steps to ensure that any service found on the Local Offer is suitable for your family member. For more information, please read our disclaimer.
Last updated 11 June 2024