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Protect yourself this winter by getting your flu vaccination!

Health and wellbeing

30 November 2023


NHS in Northamptonshire and Public Health teams at West and North Northamptonshire Councils are calling all residents under 65 years old who have an underlying health condition to receive their free flu and COVID-19 vaccination and stay protected this winter.   

Flu is a very infectious disease which can easily spread to other people and can lead to serious complications. People with underlying health conditions, such as Diabetes, COPD, heart disease, kidney disease or who are immunosuppressed are at a higher risk of developing severe complications which could lead to hospitalisation. 

It is strongly encouraged that all residents who have an underlying health condition get vaccinated ahead of the winter months to help protect themselves and reduce these complications from developing.

The flu vaccination is free and doesn’t take long, it can be easily arranged through your GP practice or a participating local pharmacy.

Across West Northamptonshire 67% of eligible people aged 65 years and under who are clinically at-risk have not yet been vaccinated against flu. We are beginning to see an increase in respiratory infections in the area and as we move further into winter this is likely to get worse. I strongly advise anyone who is eligible to take up the opportunity to get vaccinated and keep themselves and those around them protected.Dr Annapurna Sen, Consultant in Health Protection for West Northamptonshire Council
Speak to your GP surgery or specialist if you have a health condition and you're not sure if you're eligible. Most of those with underlying health conditions which make them eligible for the flu vaccination will also be eligible to get the COVID-19 vaccination. Conveniently, these can be safely administered at the same appointment, sometimes known as co-administration. Please don’t put off having your vaccinations. Asmat Nisa, Public Health Consultant in Health Protection for North Northamptonshire

If you are eligible and have not yet been vaccinated against the Flu, contact your GP practice or speak to your local pharmacy for more information.  

Your local pharmacist can give treatment advice or recommend flu remedies.

Find out more information about flu and other respiratory illnesses

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