Tenant feedback sought on new tenancy policy
28 October 2024

West Northamptonshire Council (WNC) is inviting tenants and residents to have their say on the Council’s draft Tenancy Policy, which outlines how tenancies will be managed under new Consumer Standards for Social Housing Landlords introduced by the Regulator of Social Housing in April 2024.
The new rules, including the Tenancy Standard, require all Registered Providers of Social Housing to publish clear and accessible policies on managing tenancies. While WNC is not legally required to consult on the draft Tenancy Policy itself, there is a legal obligation to engage tenants on any changes to housing management, policy, or practice.
This draft policy is important as it replaces the previous Northampton Borough Council Tenancy Policy (2019) and has been designed to reflect the Council’s recently adopted Tenancy Strategy. It also gives tenants increased rights to influence how their homes and services are managed, providing a platform for their voices to be heard before the policy is finalised.
Developed in collaboration with Northamptonshire Partnership (NPH), who manage homes owned by WNC, the draft policy outlines the types of tenancies available for Council-managed homes. As a key part of WNC’s role as a landlord, the new policy will have an impact on current and future tenants.
"We recognise how vital it is for our tenants to have a say in how their tenancies are managed. This consultation offers an important opportunity for residents to share their views on the new Tenancy Policy, ensuring it meets their needs and reflects their priorities. We encourage all interested parties to provide their feedback."Cllr Rosie Herring, Cabinet Member for Housing at West Northamptonshire Council
Feedback is being sought from WNC tenants, local tenant and resident groups, registered providers, and other stakeholders. By participating in the consultation, residents will help shape the future of housing management in West Northamptonshire and ensure that the policy addresses the issues that matter most to them.
To learn more about the draft Tenancy Policy and to submit your views, please visit the West Northamptonshire Council consultation hub before Wednesday 27 November.