Upcoming road closures for Northampton’s North-West Relief Road
27 February 2024
The Northampton North-West Relief Road will provide a vital link from the A428 Harlestone Road to the A5199 Welford Road. It will serve the housing growth that is proposed to the west and north of Northampton and help address existing congestion by providing another crossing of the river valley.
West Northamptonshire Council, alongside our Highways partner Kier Transportation and contractor Balfour Beatty, will be carrying out significant works to bring forward this scheme which include essential road closures of Sandy Lane and Welford Road.
The scheme is supported by SEMLEP, the South East Midlands Local Enterprise Partnership and benefits from £7.93 million of Local Growth funding.
In addition to three-way lights that are currently in place on Brampton Lane until 28 March, road closures will be in place in the following locations:
Sandy Lane will be closed from 4 March until 3 April with a diversion in place via Northampton Road and Harlestone Road. Access to properties and amenities on Sandy Lane will be maintained throughout the closure.
Brampton Lane/ Welford Road will be closed at night between 8pm and 6am Monday to Friday from 18 March to 28 March with a diversion in place overnight.
Welford Road will be closed from 3 April until 21 June with a diversion in place for road users. Access to properties and amenities will be maintained throughout the closure.
For further information regarding the project visit: Major highways projects. For full details of the road closures please visit: Roadworks.