West Northamptonshire SEND & AP Partnership Improvement Board Summary (22 May 2024)

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SEND & AP Partnership Improvement Board Summary (22 May 2024)
Chaired by the interim chair, Stuart Lackenby (Executive Director of People and DCS interim) of WNC.
Ofsted Report & Response:
- Ofsted and CQC Inspection report delayed with no explanation yet as to the reasons why. Press releases ready, awaiting report publication.
- The Department for Education (DfE) are also chasing the publication of the report.
- The board will focus on sharing high-level messages and priorities for improvement once report is available (as it the contents remains embargoed until publication).
- The high-level improvement priorities algin with the priorities already identified as a SEND Partnership and are outlined in the co-produced Self-Evaluation Framework.
- Next steps: Share the report and priorities as soon as available, develop and share the detailed action plans across the partnership, plan deep dives, gather feedback.
Workstream Overviews:
Accessibility - Need for strategic decision-makers in workstream, improving feedback mechanisms and addressing demands and capacity.
Resources - Attendance challenges, need for improved alignment with data workstream and increased senior leader involvement.
Identification & Assessment - Large, well-attended workstream with the closest alignment to key areas for improvement. The workstream requires careful consideration for structure and KPIs.
Training - The workstream has changed and evolved considerably since formation and will now have a strong focus on mainstream schools and training development.
Alternative Provision - This is reported as productive, multi-agency, and well-attended workstream with much work underway. In order to improve, the workstream would benefit from increased social care presence.
Preparation for Adulthood - The area for improvement is vast and although much work is underway, there is a need for dedicated post to lead in this critical area.
Data - Data workstream faces some Information Governance challenges but, is working on integrated intelligence to help inform other workstreams.
Future Governance and Structure of the Workstreams/SEND Improvement Board:
Independent chair appointment ongoing and news will be shared regarding any appointment as soon as possible.
Proposal suggests -
- A new title for the board of: The SEND and AP Partnership Board.
- There should be a Children & Young Person’s SEND Improvement board for formal participation group representatives to be able to raise their challenges and key issues at a strategic level.
- That the partnership streamline SEND governance with four key workstreams that will align to priority action plans.
- Clear Terms of Reference (TOR), and capacity constraints will be considered as part of the restructure to ensure that every level of governance has clear accountability and scope.
- Transformation plan with £1.35m investment and 34 new, permanent posts was approved by Cabinet on 7th May.
Local Offer Annual Report:
- The annual report for the Local Offer was shared with questions invited.
- Following the launch of the new West Local Offer last summer, ongoing feedback is being sought and considered for continual improvement.
- The Local Offer website received a Silver award for accessibility.
- Cross-sharing of information and events with partners occurs through social media and attendance of events in order to continually increase presence.
- The board recommended a need for clear governance and decision-making together with a more timely review of the upcoming annual report.
Short Breaks Update:
- Action for Children have been confirmed as the new provider for short breaks starting 1st November 2024.
- Information sessions for parent/carers are scheduled from June.
- Locality
- Brackley Area
- Daventry Area
- Northampton Area
- Towcester Area
- West Northamptonshire
- Northamptonshire
- Additional languages
- Translation and/or Interpreting Available on Request
- Age range
- Suitable for ages from 0 to 25 years
- Referral route
- No Referral Needed
- For people with
- Special Educational Needs or a Disability (SEND)
- Eligibility criteria
- Open to Everyone
- Provider category
- Specialist Services - For those who require longer-term support
c/o West Northamptonshire Council, One Angel Square, Angel Street
United Kingdom
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Last updated 19 July 2024