Contact us
You may be able to use this list to find the service or page you were looking for on our website.
Click on the links below to find further information:
Service | Task |
Council tax | |
Bins | |
Planning policy | |
Benefits | |
Schools | |
Social services for adults and children | |
Transport | |
Housing | |
Registrations | |
Business rates | |
Report issues about |
Use our app
Find information about services in your area, search for food outlets, receive notifications about bin collections or report issues on the West Northants app.
Contact us online

Complete our online form and your message will come straight through to us. This is the best way for us to understand what you need and how we can help.
We'll get back to you within 5 working days.

Our advisors can assist you to find information and services available online. We cannot help with complex enquiries and may have to re-direct you to an alternative contact channel.
This WebChat is currently in development, with improvements coming soon.
Our WebChat advisors are available from Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm (except bank holidays).
Call us

Call us on 0300 126 7000.
Our lines are open:
Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm
We are closed on bank holidays.
Visit us

View the list of council offices for your area if you need to visit us in person. You can also access council services at one of our Monthly drop in-sessions across West Northamptonshire.
Write to us

Our address for correspondence is:
West Northamptonshire Council
The Guildhall
St Giles Square

Our registered address is:
One Angel Square
Angel Street
Last updated 06 December 2024