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Minerals and waste decisions: Daventry


Application numberWNC/23/00041/WASVOC
LocationLand at Wormslade Farm, Clipston Road, Market Harborough, LE16 9RP
ProposalVariation of Condition 2 (Revised Approved Plans/Drawings) of planning permission ref. 17/00037/WASVOC, as amended by Non-Material Amendment ref. 18/00049/WASNMA
DecisionApproval by delegation
Decision date11 October 2024
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Application numberWNC/23/00043/WASVOC
LocationLand at Wormslade Farm, Clipston Road, Market Harborough, LE16 9RP
ProposalVariation of Condition 9 (timing of access construction and off-site highway improvement works) of planning permission ref. 17/00037/WASVOC, as amended by Non-Material Amendment ref. 18/00049/WASNMA
DecisionApproval by delegation
Decision date11 October 2024
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Application number WNC/23/00034/MINFUL
LocationPitsford Quarry, Pitsford, Northamptonshire
ProposalSubmission under condition 2 of planning permission 14/00057/MINFUL for an updated schedule of conditions to enable mineral extraction and restoration works within phase 2
Decision29 July 2024
Decision dateApproved by delegation
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Environmental Statement

Application number WNC/23/00039/WASLAP

LocationLand at Wormslade Farm, Clipston Road, Market Harborough, LE16 9RP
ProposalCertificate of Lawfulness for Proposed Use or Development for an anaerobic digestion facility pursuant to S.73 permission ref.17/00037/WASVOC, as amended by Non Material Amendment ref. 18/00049/WASNMA
DecisionApproved by delegation
Decision date3 July 2024
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Decision notice

Application form

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Application number WNC/23/00027/WASVOC

LocationKentle Wood House, Browns Road, Royal Oak, Daventry, Northamptonshire, NN11 4NS
ProposalVariation of Condition 18 (catchment area) of planning permission ref: WNC/22/00005/WASFUL
DecisionApproved by delegation
Decision date20 March 2024
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Application number WNC/22/00019/WASFUL

​LocationVictoria Farm, Theddingworth Road, Marston Trussell, Northamptonshire
Proposal​Retrospective change of use of farmland to mineral recycling and inert soil screeding plus delivery of aggregates
DecisionApproved by delegation
​Decision date14 March 2024
​Relevant documents

Decision Notice

Submitted details

View the submitted documents for this planning application

Supporting Information



Application numberWNC/23/00020/MINFUL
​LocationHarlestone Quarry, Harlestone Road, Lower Harlestone, Northamptonshire, NN7 4EJ
Proposal​Extraction of crushed rock with the deposition of suitable inert material for the use of beneficial restoration
DecisionApproved by delegation
Decision date20 December 2023
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Supporting documents


Environmental Statement

Annexure 5ii Biodiversity Metric Auditing and Accounting for Biodiversity Calculation Tool – available on request.


Application numberWNC/22/00040/WASFUL
LocationPebble Hall Farm, Theddingworth Road, Marston Trussell, Northamptonshire, LE17 6NJ
ProposalInstallation of an additional 8,000 litre LPG storage tank and associated works
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision date18 November 2022
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Supporting Information


Application numberWNC/22/00016/WASFUL
LocationKilsby Landfill Site, Daventry Road, Ashby St Ledgers, CV23 8YX
ProposalRetention of Existing Electricity Generating Infrastructure, and the Replacement of an Electricity Generating Engine with a Storage Battery
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision date28 June 2022
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Supporting Information


Application numberWNC/22/00005/WASFUL
LocationDaventry Biomass Energy Facility, Kentle Wood House, Browns Road, Daventry, NN11 4NS
ProposalConstruction of an Advanced Thermal Treatment Facility to treat non-hazardous waste materials and the generation of electricity for export to the National Grid
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision date23 June 2022
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Application numberWNC/21/00041/WAFUL
LocationRoyal Ordnance Depot, Building 8, Unit A, Bridge Street, Weedon, NN7 4PS
ProposalPet Crematorium

Withdrawn on 9 December 2021


Application number20/00041/MINVOC
LocationHarlestone Quarry, Harlestone Road, Lower Harlestone, Northamptonshire NN7 4EJ
ProposalVariation of restoration scheme from forestry to agricultural grassland of planning permission ref. 15/00095/MINVOC
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision date17 September 2021
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Application number20/00070/WASCOU
LocationOld Prisoner of War Camp, Boddington Road, Byfield, Northamptonshire, NN11 6XU
ProposalChange of use of storage and industrial yard for the purposes of an operational yard for the crushing and screening of hardcore and soils, and formalisation of existing access
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision date03 August 2021
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Supporting Information


Application number21/00005/WASFUL
LocationBoughton Quarry, Brampton Lane, Boughton, Northamptonshire, NN6 8AA
ProposalNew building for waste processing
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision date16 July 2021
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Supporting Information


Application numberNCC - 20/00075/WASVOC  
DDC - DA/2021/0051
LocationBrixworth Landfill Site, Scaldwell Road, Brixworth, Northamptonshire, NN6 9EN
ProposalVariation of condition 6 of planning permission 12/00034/WAS to allow retention of existing renewable power generation compound
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision date31 March 2021
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Application numberNCC - 20/00031/WASFUL  
DDC - DA/2020/0507
LocationUnit 1, Mere Farm Business Complex, Red House Lane, Hannington, Northamptonshire, NN6 9SZ
ProposalProposed Pet Crematorium and Associated Offices
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision date08 September 2020
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Application numberNCC - 19/00072/WASNMA  
DDC - DA/2019/0082
LocationWelford Landfill Site, Northampton Road, Cold Ashby, NN6 7JF
ProposalAmend the existing approved restoration scheme to retain an area of existing hardstanding
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision date27 January 2020
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Application numberNCC - 19/00040/WASVOC  
DDC - DA/2019/0587
LocationComposting Site, Pebble Hall Farm, Theddingworth Road, Marston Trussell, Northamptonshire, LE17 6NJ
ProposalVariation of condition 2 of planning permission DA/05/0773 to allow the storage of wood waste within the area currently permitted for green waste composting
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision date12 September 2019
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Application numberNCC - 19/00016/WASNMA  
DDC - DA/2019/0278
LocationOld Prisoner of War Camp, Boddington Road, Byfield, NN11 6XU
ProposalRe-wording of Condition 8 (Highway Safety), 32 (Surface Water Drainage) and 33 (Surface Water Drainage - Maintenance Scheme) of ref: 15/00036/WASFUL for a proposed waste transfer station and materials recycling facility.
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision date08 May 2018
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Application numberNCC - 18/00049/WASNMA  
DDC - NMA/2018/0089
LocationWormslade Farm, Clipston Road, Clipston, Market Harborough LE16 9RP
ProposalNon-Material Amendment of planning permission 17/00037/WASVOC
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision date07 February 2019
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Application numberNCC - 18/00015/WASFUL  
DDC - DA/2018/0332
LocationKilsby Landfill Site, Daventry Road, Kilsby, Northamptonshire, CV23 8UW
ProposalBulking, storage, and transfer of dry-mixed recyclables and food waste
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision date21 May 2018
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Supporting information


Application numberNCC - 17/00055/WASFUL  
DDC - DA/2017/1146
LocationWaste Transfer Station, 27 High March, The Marches, Daventry, Northamptonshire, NN11 4HB
ProposalConstruction of new Waste Transfer building for the storage and management of waste materials, construction of vehicle servicing workshop, construction of a second weighbridge and prefabricated office, extension of existing concrete yard slab to extend site boundary, improvements to site surface water drainage, provision of vehicle wash down area, and demolition of existing weighbridge office and storage structure.
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision date23 March 2018
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Application numberNCC - 17/00037/WASVOC  
DDC - DA/2017/0730
LocationWormslade Farm, Clipston Road, Clipston, Market Harborough, Leicestershire LE16 9RP
ProposalVariation of Conditions 2 (Scope of Permission), 5 (Operation Limits and Feedstock) and 14 (Catchment Area) of planning consent ref. 15/00090/WASFUL to modify the approved feedstock to incorporate other waste materials
DecisionApproved by Development Control Committee
Decision date23 March 2018
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Application NumberNCC - 16/00022/WASFUL  
DDC - DA/2016/0561
LocationPebble Hall Farm, Theddingworth Road, Marston Trussell, Northamptonshire, LE17 6NJ
ProposalConstruction of temporary wood storage yard including recontouring of land, concrete base, 2 storage lagoons, concrete storage bays, weighbridge, 2 water storage tanks and landscape planting
DecisionApproved by Development Control Committee
Decision Date03 November 2017
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Application documents

Application NumberNCC - 17/00038/WASFUL  
DDC - DA/2017/0691
LocationCeva Logistics Ltd, Nene House, Sopwith Way, Drayton Fields, Daventry, Northamptonshire, NN11 8PB
ProposalPart Change of Use from B8 (Storage and Distribution) to a Materials Recycling/Recovery Facility for Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date12 September 2017
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Supporting Information


Application NumberNCC - 17/00029/WASFUL  
DDC - DA/2017/0587
LocationLong Buckby WRC, Station Road, Long Buckby, Northamptonshire, NN6 7QA
ProposalErection of a kiosk to house electrical equipment
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date11 August 2017
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Supporting Information

Application NumberNCC - 17/00017/WASFULF00024
DDC - DA/2017/0327
LocationPebble Hall Farm, Theddingworth Road, Marston Trussell, Northamptonshire, LE17 6NJ
ProposalErection of six additional wood storage bays, ancillary internal access works, plus retrospective permission for the erection of a building to house wood shredding operations
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date14 July 2017
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Supporting Information:


Application NumberNCC - 16/00044/WASNMA  
DDC - NMA/2016/0069
LocationEarthworm Plc, Browns Road, Royal Oak, Daventry, Northamptonshire, NN11 4NS
ProposalNon-Material Amendment to planning permission 15/00065/WASFUL for works to existing buildings; including new windows and doors, replacement of GRP unit with Auxiliary Skid, alterations to boiler unit personnel access platform, relocation of screw expanders and diesel fuel tank, storage tank upgrade, and Fuel Hall extension
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date8 November 2016
Relevant Documents
Application NumberNCC - 15/00095/MINVOC  
DDC - DA/2016/0027
LocationHarlestone Quarry, Harlestone Road, Lower Harlestone, Northamptonshire, NN7 4EJ
ProposalVariation/removal of conditions 2 (Approved documents), 5 (Location of crushing plant), 23 & 24 (Restoration & landscaping scheme) and 25 (End date) of planning permission 15/00014/MINVOC">15/00014/MINVOC, to extend the end date to 31 December 2021, relocate the crusher and provide restoration and landscaping information
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date16 August 2016
Relevant Documents
Application NumberNCC - 15/00090/WASFUL  
DDC - DA/2016/0038
LocationWormslade Farm, Clipston Road, Kelmarsh, LE16 9RX
ProposalInstallation and operation of an anaerobic digestion facility including the erection of silage clamps, digester tanks, technical building, gas flare and site office/welfare building, weighbridge and the installation of ancillary plant and equipment, alterations to the highway access and internal road, installation of lagoons and attenuation pond, highway improvement and landscaping and environmental enhancement measures
DecisionApproved by DC Committee
Decision Date30 June 2016
Relevant Documents
Application NumberNCC - 15/00036/WASFUL  
DDC - DA/2015/1144/NC
LocationUnit 1, Old Prisoner of War Camp, Boddington Road, Byfield, NN11 6XU
ProposalProposed waste transfer station and materials recycling facility, including the erection of a building
DecisionApproved by DC Committee
Decision Date20 May 2016
Relevant Documents
Application numberNCC - 15/00065/WASFUL  
DDC - DA/2015/0798
LocationEarthworm Plc, Browns Road, Royal Oak, Daventry, Northamptonshire, NN11 4NS
ProposalChange of use of an existing IVC facility to a Biomass Renewable Energy Generation Plant and associated Waste Water Treatment Plant including a 100 square metre extension of existing buildings and the relocation of an existing biofilter.
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision date03 March 2016
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Supporting information



Application NumberNCC - 15/00074/WASFUL  
DDC - NMA/2015/0868
LocationPebble Hall Farm, Theddingworth Road, Marston Trussell, LE17 6NJ
ProposalFormation of two surface water drainage lagoons (retrospective)
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date11 December 2015
Relevant Documents
Application NumberNCC - 15/00077/WASNMA  
DDC - NMA/2015/0056
LocationPebble Hall Farm, Theddingworth Road, Marston Trussell, LE17 6NJ
ProposalNon material amendment to planning permission 13/00017/WASFUL for an alteration to the site layout
Decision Date11 December 2015
Relevant Documents
Application NumberNCC - 15/00075/WASFUL  
DDC - DA/2015/0869
LocationSewage Works, Whilton Locks, Whilton, NN11 2NP
ProposalCertificate of Proposed Lawful Use for the installation of ground mounted solar PV array, underground cabling and switch gear housing
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date27 October 2015
Relevant Documents
Application NumberNCC - 15/00059/WASVOC  
DDC - DA/2015/0702
LocationKilsby Landfill Site, Grove Farm, Daventry Road, Ashby St Ledgers, Northamptonshire
ProposalVariation of condition 5 of planning permission 14/00038/WASFUL for an extended catchment area
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date15 October 2015
Relevant Documents
Application NumberNCC - 15/00028/WASFUL  
DDC - DA/2015/0466
LocationVehicle Repair Workshop, Watling Street, Weedon, Northamptonshire, NN7 4PX
ProposalChange of use of land to a Waste Treatment and Transfer site, including erection of a new building
Decision Date14 August 2015
Application NumberNCC - 15/00014/MINVOC  
DDC - DA/2015/0161
LocationHarlestone Quarry, Harlestone Road, Lower Harlestone, Northamptonshire, NN7 4EJ
ProposalVariation of Conditions 1 and 4 of 13/00109/MINNMA relating to Planning Permission 08/00037/MIN to allow for more efficient operation of extraction and restoration, including amendments to the heights of the perimeter bunds and extension to the recycling area
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date16 June 2015
Relevant Documents
Application NumberNCC - 15/00010/WASVOC  
DDC - DA/2015/0146
LocationWelford Landfill Site, Northampton Road, Cold Ashby, Northamptonshire, NN6 7JF
ProposalVariation of Condition 22 of Planning Permission DA/90/1085C to allow the retention of the site vehicular access and concrete hardstanding until the Environmental Compound is removed
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date01 May 2015
Relevant Documents
Application NumberNCC - 15/00002/WASNMA  
DDC - NMA/2015/0001
LocationPebble Hall Farm, Theddingworth Road, Marston Trussell, Northamptonshire, LE17 6NJ
ProposalNon-Material Amendment to Planning Permission 13/00098/WASFUL for removal of the feedstock conveyor, relocation of the air cool condenser, increase in height of the turbine hall, construction of a substation, installation of new fire water storage tanks, relocation of weighbridge, relocation of propane storage tank, changes to roofline of office and feedstock reception hall
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date13 February 2015
Relevant Documents


Application NumberNCC - 13/00117/WASFUL  
DDC - DA/2014/0045
LocationPebble Hall Farm, Theddingworth Road, Marston Trussell, Northamptonshire, LE17 6NJ
ProposalResubmission of an application for a change of use of a building to include food waste processing by means of Thermophillic Aerobic Digestion and use of biofuel from food derived oil for generation of renewable energy for export to the national grid. A 223 square metre extension to the North-West elevation of the building to measure 12.2 metres by 18.3 metres
DecisionApproved by Committee
Decision Date24 October 2014
Relevant Documents


Application NumberNCC - 13/00098/WASFUL  
DDC - DA/2013/0851
LocationPebble Hall Farm, Theddingworth Road, Marston Trussell, Northamptonshire, LE17 6NJ
ProposalErection of a replacement Renewable Energy Generation building
DecisionApproved by Committee
Decision Date24 October 2014
Relevant Documents


Application NumberNCC - 14/00038/WASFUL  
DDC - DA/2014/0510
LocationKilsby Landfill Site, Grove Farm, Daventry Road, Ashby St Ledgers, Northamptonshire, CV23 8XF
ProposalThe operation of a Green Waste Composting Facility
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date18 September 2014
Relevant Documents
Application NumberNCC - 14/00018/WASFUL  
DDC - DA/2014/0264
LocationBrington Sewage Treatment Works, Great Brington, NN7 4JL
ProposalErection of two glass reinforced plastic (GRP) kiosks to house electrical and control panels
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date19 June 2014
Relevant Documents
Application NumberNCC - 13/00109/WASNMA  
DDC - DA/2013/0915
LocationHarlestone Quarry, Harlestone Road, Lower Harlestone, Northamptonshire, NN7 4EJ
ProposalNon Material Amendment to planning permission 08/00037/MIN to increase screening bund heights and revised phasing for working and restoration
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date15 January 2014
Relevant Documents
Application NumberNCC - 13/00108/WASFUL  
DDC - DA/2013/0958
LocationSPS, Main Road, Crick, Northamptonshire
ProposalInstallation of a dosing unit
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date13 January 2014
Relevant Documents


Application NumberNCC - 13/00106/WASNMA  
DDC - DA/2013/0923
LocationKilsby Landfill Site, Grove Farm, Daventry Road, Kilsby, Northamptonshire
ProposalNon Material Amendment of Planning Permission 08/00064/WAS to amend the finished planting scheme to remove an area of woodland from the final planting proposals
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date18 December 2013
Relevant Documents
Application NumberNCC - 13/00001/WASFUL  
DDC - DA/2013/0164
LocationPitsford Pond/Quarry, Harborough Road, Pitsford, Northamptonshire
ProposalRevised restoration of the former mineral workings from a fishing lake to agriculture, involving the use of inert waste and temporary inert waste recycling at Pitsford Quarry
DecisionApproved by Committee
Decision Date23 December 2013
Relevant Documents
Application NumberNCC - 13/00048/MINFUL  
DDC - DA/2013/0604
LocationLand at Patford Bridge, Brington Road, Great Brington, NN6 7NT
ProposalProposed construction of a Pipeline Inspection Gauge compound
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date24 October 2013
Relevant Documents
Application NumberNCC - 13/00057/WASFUL  
DDC - DA/2013/0489
LocationPebble Hall Farm, Theddingworth Road, Marston Trussell, Market Harborough, LE17 6NJ
ProposalChange of use of a building to include food waste processing by means of Thermal Aerobic Digestion and use of bio fuel from food derived oil for generation of renewable energy for export to the national grid to include extension to existing building
Decision Date25 September 2013
Application NumberNCC - 13/00082/WASNMA  
DDC - DA/2013/0693
LocationBoughton Quarry, Brampton Lane, Boughton, NN2 8SW
ProposalNon Material Amendment to planning permission 12/00015/WAS to extend the end date for restoration of the backfield area to the 31 March 2014
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date20 September 2013
Relevant Documents
Application NumberNCC - 13/00051/WASFUL  
DDC - DA/2013/0482
LocationThe Old Brickworks, Harborough Road, Pitsford, Northamptonshire, NN6 9AA
ProposalVariation of condition 10 of planning permission DA/04/1494 to allow for extended hours of working
DecisionApproved by Committee
Decision Date17 September 2013
Relevant Documents
Application NumberNCC - 13/00050/WASFUL  
DDC - DA/2013/0483
LocationThe Old Brickworks, Harborough Road, Pitsford, Northamptonshire, NN6 9AA
ProposalVariation of condition 11 of planning permission 09/00054/WAS to allow for extended hours of working
DecisionApproved by Committee
Decision Date17 September 2013
Relevant Documents
Application NumberNCC - 13/00049/WASFUL  
DDC - DA/2013/0481
LocationThe Old Brickworks, Harborough Road, Pitsford, Northamptonshire, NN6 9AA
ProposalVariation of condition 10 of planning permission DA/03/280C to allow for extended working hours
DecisionApproved by Committee
Decision Date17 September 2013
Relevant Documents


Application NumberNCC - 13/00002/WASFUL  
DDC - DA/2013/0166
LocationPebble Hall Farm, Theddingworth Road, Marston Trussell, Market Harborough, LE17 6NJ
ProposalExtension and Change of use of a building to include a Thermal Aerobic Digester food waste treatment site
Decision Date28 March 2013
Application NumberNCC - 12/00087/WASNMA  
DDC - DA/2012/0939/NCC
LocationHigh March Waste Transfer Station, High March, Daventry, NN11 4HB
ProposalNon-Material Amendment to planning permission 11/00044/WAS to vary condition 5 (Hours of Working)
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date20 December 2012
Relevant Documents
Application NumbersNCC - 11/00049/WAS  
DDC - DA/2012/0443
LocationBaughans, Boddington Road, Byfield, Daventry, NN11 6XU
ProposalProposed Waste Transfer Station and Materials Recycling Facility
DecisionWithdrawn on 25 October 2012
Application NumberNCC - 12/00053/WASCOU  
DDC - DA/2012/0589
LocationPebble Hall Farm, Bosworth Road, Theddingworth, Lutterworth, LE17 6NJ
ProposalChange of Use of existing grain store to a waste storage building (Retrospective Application)
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date19 October 2012
Relevant Documents
Application NumberNCC - 12/00039/WASFUL  
DDC - DA/2012/0414
LocationKilsby Landfill Site, Daventry Road, Kilsby, CV23 8XF
ProposalUse of former green waste composting facility for compost maturation and storage
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date20 August 2012
Relevant Documents
Application NumberNCC - 12/00034/WAS  
DDC - DA/2012/0338
LocationBrixworth Landfill Site, Scaldwell Road, Brixworth, NN6 9EN
ProposalRetention of existing landfill gas utilization compound
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date19 July 2012
Relevant Documents
Application NumberNCC - 12/00019/WAS  
DDC - DA/2012/0258
LocationAPB Demolition, Boddington Road, Byfield, Daventry, NN11 6XU
ProposalCertificate of Lawful Use for the storage and sorting of inert waste materials
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date22 June 2012
Relevant Documents
Application NumberNCC - 12/00015/WAS  
DDC - DA/2012/0167
LocationBoughton Quarry, Brampton Lane, Northampton
ProposalVariation of conditions 14, 15, 16 ,17 18 and 19 of planning permission 10/00078/WAS to remove end dates for all waste activities including K-Lime processing and amend the approved restoration and aftercare scheme
DecisionApproved by Committee
Decision Date28 May 2012
Relevant Documents
Application NumberNCC - 12/00014/WAS  
DDC - DA/2012/0168
LocationBoughton Quarry, Brampton Lane, Northampton
ProposalThe erection and use of concrete batching plant and bagging plant, relocation of the weighbridge, wheelwash, and car park and construction of a new weighbridge office
DecisionApproved by Committee
Decision Date28 May 2012
Relevant Documents
Application NumbersNCC - 12/00010/WAS  
DDC - DA/2012/0143
LocationBurnham Landscapes Ltd, Browns Road, Daventry, NN11 4NS
ProposalConstruction of a biofilter to be used in conjunction with the permitted In-Vessel Composting facility
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date16 May 2012
Relevant Documents


Application NumbersNCC - 11/00075/NMA  
DDC - DA/2011/0932
Location27 High March, High March Industrial Estate, Daventry
ProposalNon-material amendment of condition 5 of planning permission 11/00044/WAS to allow working on Boxing Day
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date29 November 2011
Relevant Documents
Application NumbersNCC - 11/00044/WAS  
DDC - DA/2011/0614
Location27 High March, High March Industrial Estate, Daventry
ProposalThe variation of condition 5 (hours of working) of planning permission DA/05/1008C for the existing Materials Recycling Facility
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date30 September 2011
Relevant Documents
Application NumbersNCC - 11/00033/WAS  
DDC - DA/2011/0539
LocationBaughans, Boddington Road, Byfield, NN11 6XU
ProposalInstallation of a Waste Transfer Station and Materials Recycling Facility
DecisionWithdrawn on 24 August 2011
Application NumbersNCC - 11/00036/WAS  
DDC - DA/2011/0562
LocationByfield Sewage Treatment Works, Eydon Road, Byfield, Daventry, NN11 6XN
ProposalInstallation of a motor control centre kiosk and standby generator enclosure
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date19 August 2011
Relevant Documents
Application NumbersNCC - 11/00031/WAS  
DDC - DA/2011/0495
LocationWhilton Sewage Treatment Works, Daventry Road, Whilton
ProposalErection of a Motor Control Centre kiosk, distribution kiosk and a standby generator
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date11 August 2011
Relevant Documents
Application NumbersNCC - 11/00016/WAS  
DDC - DA/2011/0169
LocationThe Old Brickworks, Harborough Road, Pitsford, Northampton, NN6 9AA
ProposalProvision of a parking area and waste storage bays (retrospective application)
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date27 May 2011
Relevant Documents
Application NumbersNCC - 11/00011/WAS  
DDC - DA/2011/0138
LocationThe Old Brickworks, Harborough Road, Pitsford, Northampton, NN6 9AA
ProposalVariation of condition 10 of planning permission DA/04/1494C to allow for extended hours of working
DecisionWithdrawn on 8 April 2011
Application NumbersNCC - 11/00010/WAS  
DDC - DA/2011/0139
LocationThe Old Brickworks, Harborough Road, Pitsford, Northampton, NN6 9AA
ProposalVariation of condition 11 of planning permission 09/00054/WAS to allow for extended hours of working
DecisionWithdrawn on 8 April 2011
Application NumbersNCC - 11/00009/WAS  
DDC - DA/2011/0137
LocationThe Old Brickworks, Harborough Road, Pitsford, Northampton, NN6 9AA
ProposalVariation of condition 10 of planning permission DA/03/280C to allow for extended hours of working
DecisionWithdrawn on 8 April 2011
Application Numbers

NCC - 10/00078/WAS  
DDC - DA/2010/0974


LocationBoughton Quarry, Brampton Lane, Boughton, Northampton
ProposalVariation of condition 2 of planning permission 08/00014/WAS to allow the recycling of K-Lime (cement production waste) until 30/11/2013
DecisionApproved by DC Committee
Decision Date4 February 2011
Relevant Documents


Application NumbersNCC - 10/00049/WAS  
DDC - DA/2010/0617
LocationPebble Hall, Bosworth Road, Theddingworth, Leicestershire, LE17 6NJ
ProposalErection of a 5 metre high temporary litter fence (retrospective application)
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date1 October 2010
Relevant Documents
Application NumbersNCC - 10/00038/WAS  
DDC - DA/2010/0474
LocationPebble Hall, Bosworth Road, Theddingworth, Leicestershire, LE17 6NJ
ProposalChange of use of B8 unit to carpet recycling and use of yard area for carpet storage (retrospective application)
DecisionApproved by DC Committee
Decision Date28 July 2010
Relevant Documents
Application NumbersNCC - 10/00032/WAS  
DDC - DA/2010/0374
LocationWelford Landfill Site, Northampton Road, Welford, Northampton, NN6 6JF
ProposalVariation of conditions 11 and 12 of planning permission DA/94/522C for the retention of the gas utilisation system for electricity generation
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date13 July 2010
Relevant Documents
Application NumbersNCC - 10/00022/WAS  
DDC - DA/2010/0282
LocationHarlestone Quarry, Harlestone Road, Harlestone, Northampton
ProposalRevision to restoration of quarry to allow the inclusion of soils from the Sandy Lane Improvement North road works
DecisionApproved by DC Committee
Decision Date25 May 2010
Relevant Documents


Application NumbersNCC - 09/00054/WAS  
DDC - DA/2009/0634
LocationThe Old Brickworks, Harborough Road, Pitsford, Northampton, NN6 9AA
ProposalChange of use of industrial premises to waste transfer and recycling
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date22 October 2009
Relevant Documents
Application NumbersNCC - 09/00048/WAS
LocationPebble Hall, Bosworth Road, Theddingworth, Lutterworth, LE17 6NJ 
ProposalWaste Transfer Facility and associated development
DecisionWithdrawn on 20 August 2009
Application NumbersNCC - 09/00028/WAS  
DDC - DA/2009/0356
LocationBoughton Quarry, Brampton Lane, Boughton
ProposalOvernight parking of 5 rigid body HGVs and 2 road sweepers
DecisionApproved by DC Committee
Decision Date30 June 2009
Relevant Documents
Application NumbersNCC - 09/00005/WAS  
DDC - DA/2009/0030
LocationBurnham Landscapes Ltd, Browns Road, Daventry, NN11 4NS
ProposalConstruction and operation of an In-Vessel Composting (IVC) plant for the composting of 21,000 tonnes of mixed biodegradable municipal waste per annum
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date30 March 2009
Relevant Documents


Application NumbersNCC - 08/00080/WAS  
DDC - DA/2008/1040
LocationUnit 15, Fawsley Drive, Heartlands Commerce Park, Daventry, NN11 8UG
ProposalChange of use of existing show houses to offices ancillary to main warehouse operations
DecisionApproved by Committee
Decision Date16 December 2008
Relevant Documents
Application NumbersNCC - 08/00078/WAS  
DDC - DA/2008/1039
LocationUnit 15, Fawsley Drive, Heartlands Commerce Park, Daventry, NN11 8UG
ProposalReplacement of existing security fence with 2.4m palisade fence to site boundary; and formation of opening in existing roof and elevations of warehouse for plant penetrations. Change of use for existing showhouse reception unit to security gatehouse. Installation of new weighbridge and entry gate to service road. Precase retaining wall store to service yard
DecisionApproved by Committee
Decision Date16 December 2008
Relevant Documents
Application NumbersNCC - 08/00068/WAS  
DDC - DA/2008/0934
LocationThe Wrongs, Welford Road, Sibbertoft, LE16 9UJ
ProposalRestoration of quarrying depression to agricultural land
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date24 November 2008
Relevant Documents
Application NumbersNCC - 08/00074/WAS  
DDC - DA/2008/0965
LocationKilsby Landfill Site, Grove Farm, Daventry Road, Kilsby
ProposalExtension to the existing landfill gas flaring and electricity generating compound incorporating one new engine, two gas flares and associated equipment
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date3 November 2008
Relevant Documents
Application NumbersNCC - 08/00064/WAS  
DDC - DA/2008/0845
LocationKilsby Landfill Site, Grove Farm, Daventry Road, Kilsby
ProposalVariation of condition 21 of planning permission DA/00/56C to extend the date by which development should cease to 31 March 2009
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date16 October 2008
Relevant Documents
Application NumbersNCC - 08/00054/WAS  
DDC - DA/2008/0684
LocationPebble Hall, Bosworth Road, Theddingworth, Leicestershire, LE17 6NJ
ProposalVariation of condition 6 of planning permissions DA/03/725 and DA/05/773 to allow the removal of composting at any time
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date22 September 2008
Relevant Documents
Application NumbersNCC - 08/00053/WAS  
DDC - DA/2008/0685
LocationPebble Hall, Bosworth Road, Theddingworth, Leicestershire, LE17 6NJ
ProposalConstruction of a renewable energy generation facility
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date17 September 2008
Relevant Documents
Application NumbersNCC - 08/00037/MIN  
DDC - DA/2008/0567
LocationHarlestone Quarry, Harlestone Road, Harlestone
ProposalVariation of condition 11 and 12 of planning permission DA/05/876C for the quarry extension
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date31 July 2008
Relevant Documents
Application NumbersNCC - 08/00038/WAS  
DDC - DA/2008/0535
LocationHarlestone Quarry, Harlestone Road, Harlestone
ProposalVariation of condition 17 of planning permission 07/00018/WAS for the removal of imported inert waste
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date21 July 2008
Relevant Documents
Application NumbersNCC - 08/00014/WAS  
DDC - DA/2008/0510
LocationBoughton Quarry, Brampton Road, Northampton
ProposalVariation of condition 8 of planning permission 07/00024/WAS to retain the recycling operations until 30 November 2013
DecisionApproved by Committee
Decision Date9 June 2008
Relevant Documents
Application NumbersDDC - DA/2007/0309
LocationBoughton Quarry, Brampton Road, Boughton
ProposalIn-vessel composting facility
DecisionWithdrawn on 10 March 2008


Application NumbersNCC - 07/00053/WAS  
DDC - DA/2007/1077
LocationYelvertoft Road, Crick, Northampton, NN6 7TF
ProposalWaste Transfer Station and Material Recycling Facility
DecisionApproved by Committee
Decision Date14 December 2007
Relevant Documents
Application NumbersNCC - 07/00018/WAS  
DDC - DA/2007/0654
LocationHarlestone Quarry, Harlestone Road, Harlestone
ProposalRemoval of imported inert waste for use in the construction of Northampton's western relief road
DecisionApproved by Committee
Decision Date1 August 2007
Relevant Documents
Application NumbersNCC - 07/00024/WAS  
DDC - DA/2007/0709
LocationBoughton Quarry, Brampton Lane, Boughton
ProposalVariation of condition 8 of planning permission DA/03/1466 to extend operation hours of the recycling facility
DecisionApproved by Committee
Decision Date1 August 2007
Relevant Documents
Application NumbersNCC - 07/00003/WAS  
DDC - DA/2007/0451
LocationLand at Deer Park Nursery, West Haddon Road, Crick
ProposalVariation of condition 4 of planning permission DA/05/292
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date5 July 2007
Relevant Documents
Application NumbersDDC - DA/2007/0319
LocationPebble Hall, Bosworth Road, Theddingworth, Leicestershire, LE17 6NJ
ProposalIn-vessel composting operation and excavation for the erection of buildings
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date27 June 2007
Relevant Documents
Application NumbersDDC - DA/2007/0024
LocationBoughton Quarry, Brampton Lane, Broughton
ProposalVariation of condition 3 of planning permission DA/03/1466 to allow for the importation, shredding and transfer of green waste
DecisionApproved by Committee
Decision Date21 March 2007
Relevant Documents
Application NumbersDDC - DA/2006/1448
LocationUnit 7, Sandy Hill Lane, Moulton, Northampton
ProposalChange of use from a storage yard to a waste transfer station
DecisionApproved by Committee
Decision Date19 March 2007
Relevant Documents
Application NumbersDDC - DA/2007/0025
Location56, Unit 4 High March Industrial Estate, Daventry, NN11 4HB
ProposalVariation of condition 4 of planning permission DA/05/904C to allow the storage of WEEE within containers outside of the building
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date9 March 2007
Relevant Documents
Application NumbersDDC - DA/2006/1246
LocationLand to the west of A508, 1km north of Great Oxendon
ProposalChange of use of disused lay-by back to agriculture through importation of inert waste
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date22 January 2007
Relevant Documents


Application NumbersDDC - DA/2006/1052
LocationLand adjacent to Kilsby Landfill Site, Grove Farm, Daventry Road, Kilsby, CV23 8XF
ProposalTemporary storage of stripped topsoils and subsoils for use in the restoration of phase 7 of Kilsby Landfill Site
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date24 November 2006
Relevant Documents
Application NumbersDDC - DA/2006/0871
LocationLand to the West of Staverton, Near Daventry
ProposalConstruction of a new Sewage Treatment Works
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date20 October 2006
Relevant Documents
Application NumbersDDC - DA/2006/0812
LocationNorthampton Gold Club Course, Harlestone
ProposalImportation and use of inert waste soils to construct four new tees, extend one tee, extend one green and re-model practice area
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date6 October 2006
Relevant Documents
Application NumbersDDC - DA/2006/0623
LocationLand at Deer Park Nursery, West Haddon Road, Crick
ProposalExtension to Research and Development buildings
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date3 August 2006
Relevant Documents
Application NumbersDDC - DA/2006/0227
LocationLand adjacent to entrance to the Manor House, Winwick
ProposalInstallation of pipe bridge over stream
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date27 April 2006
Relevant Documents
Application NumbersDDC - DA/2005/0876
LocationLand adjacent to A428, Harlestone
ProposalExtension to Harlestone Stone Quarry
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date3 March 2006
Relevant Documents
Application NumbersDDC - DA/2005/1215
LocationYard 3 and 4, Sandy Hill Lane, Overstone Road, Moulton, NN3 7JB
ProposalModification of condition 4 of planning permission DA/00/1000
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date17 January 2006
Relevant Documents


Application NumbersDDC - DA/2005/1067
LocationLand adjacent to entrance to Winwick Grange Farm and adjacent to entrance to the Manor House, Winwick
ProposalSewage Treatment Works
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date22 November 2005
Relevant Documents
Application NumbersDDC - DA/2005/1008
LocationWaste Transfer Facility, High March, Daventry
ProposalModification of condition 3 of planning permission DA/97/0042
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date9 November 2005
Relevant Documents
Application NumbersDDC - DA/2005/0978
LocationKilsby Landfill Site, Grove Farm, Daventry Road, Kilsby
ProposalAmendment to condition 21 of planning permission DA/92/1138
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date3 November 2005
Relevant Documents
Application NumbersDDC - DA/2005/0904
LocationUnit 4, High March Industrial Estate, Daventry
ProposalProposed storage and transfer of waste electrical and electronic equipment
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date3 November 2005
Relevant Documents
Application NumbersDDC - DA/2005/0773
LocationLand at Pebble Hall Farm, Bosworth Road, Theddingworth, Leicestershire
ProposalExtension of existing green composting site
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date4 October 2005
Relevant Documents
Application NumbersDDC - DA/2005/0292
LocationLand at Deer Park Nursery, West Haddon Road, Crick
ProposalResearch and Development Centre for the conversion of wastes to energy
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date19 July 2005
Relevant Documents


Application NumbersDDC - DA/2004/0344
LocationPitsford Quarry, Harborough Road, Pitsford
ProposalImportation of naturally occurring materials (soils) for the restoration of phase 3 of the stone quarry
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date8 June 2004
Relevant Documents
Application NumbersDDC - DA/04/0795
LocationHall Farm, Hannington Road, Walgrave
ProposalImportation and storage of inert waste to fill depression in ground for agricultural improvement (retrospective)
DecisionApproved by Delegation
Decision Date22 April 2004
Relevant Documents
Application NumbersDDC - DA/2003/1232
LocationBrockhall Park, Brockhall
ProposalImportation and deposit of soils and inert waste (retrospective)
DecisionRefused by Delegation
Decision Date2 January 2004
Relevant Documents

Last updated 02 December 2024