600kg haul of litter collected in just one shift along A43
Bins, recycling and waste12 June 2023

More than 600kg of worth of rubbish was collected in just one night by West Northamptonshire Council’s litter pickers along a stretch of the A43 in Northamptonshire.
National Highways is carrying out resurfacing work along the busy route between Silverstone and Towcester.
To enable the work to be carried out safely, road closures have been taking place overnight. During one of the closures, along the northbound carriageway, workers from West Northamptonshire Council coordinated with National Highways to clean up litter along the route in safety.
Vehicle parts and a wooden pallet were among the rubbish collected but the vast majority was fast-food containers, hot drinks cups, cans and bottles.
If we have to shut a road we will liaise with local authorities to carry out litter picks at the same time and avoid a further closure, minimising disruption for people.National Highways Project Manager, Simon Wagstaff
We know litter is unsightly and also a threat to the environment, wildlife and vehicles using our roads. We are working hard to tackle it but that does require road closures so workers can safely clear up the mess.
It is frustrating that most of the litter collected had just been tossed aside by members of the public. If people didn’t drop litter in the first place it wouldn’t need to be picked up. Every pound that we and the local authorities spend on litter picking could be much better spent elsewhere.
There is no excuse for littering. It is important that people take their waste home or put it in one of the many public bins provided. Littering is not only illegal and can result in a fine, but it has a negative impact on our environment and wildlife. I’d like to thank everyone who took the time to clear the waste in this area, and hope people will think next time before littering.Cllr Phil Larratt, Cabinet Member for Environment, Transport, Highways and Waste at West Northamptonshire Council
Work on the resurfacing scheme, which began in March, is due to be completed this month. Overnight closures are in place, Monday to Friday, from 8pm to 6am.
Further litter picks are planned during the works.