Cabinet set to discuss proposals on the outcome of a Care Home in Brixworth
Adult social care and wellbeing12 September 2023

The outcome of a public consultation regarding the future plans for Boniface Care Home in Brixworth will be discussed by West Northamptonshire Council Cabinet at next week’s meeting.
The residential care home is operated by the Council and has been significantly under-occupied over the last few years with only 13 residents occupying the 46 spaces currently available in the home. This is due to the outdated design and build of the care home, which means it no longer provides the much-needed facilities to meet the needs of people who require residential care.
With no ensuite facilities, the level of privacy to residents is significantly impacted and there is reduced accessibility for wheelchairs and hoists which limits the care that can be provided to residents.
As a result, Cabinet are being asked to consider the proposal to close the care home. As part of this, the Council will support residents to move to alternative residential care accommodation within the local area providing a suitable environment to meet their individual needs.
Thank you to those who took part in the survey, it is vital we hear the views of those that this decision will impact. Many of the responses acknowledged the need for better facilities and the desire for those who receive care to only move once to minimise them being unsettled – to achieve this, the option for redevelopment of the care home is not viable due to the extent of works needing to take place, meaning residents would have to move during the refurb, then move back later.Cllr Matt Golby, Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care and Public Health at West Northamptonshire Council
We have exhausted all options and the proposal to close Boniface House care home has not been an easy one to make. I understand this proposal may cause concern and worry for residents, relatives and our staff and we will work with them closely though the closure process if the proposal is approved.
It is really important that we are confident in our ability to provide the best care and support to those who use our services and can continue to do so in years to come. Unfortunately, the design of the care home may have met the needs of people when it was built, but as these needs have become more complex the facilities available at Boniface House are no longer suitable which has caused concerns for us and challenges from the CQC around the environment. This is not something we can ignore and we absolutely must prioritise delivering the best possible care and support to those who need it – and that includes ensuring the environment enables our colleagues to do this.
Depending on approval from cabinet, a safe closure programme will start and will include the team working closely with relatives and residents to find suitable placements elsewhere.
You can read the cabinet report on the WNC website.