I need help with...
Reporting a concern about an adult
How to report a concern to adult social services if you are worried about someone's welfare
Staying fit, well and independent
There are ways you can continue to live independently in your own home, and get out and about
Arranging adult care
Find out how we can help you to get the right care and support for your needs
Caring for someone
If you're caring for a family member or friend, there is support available to help make your experience easier
Co-production in adult social care
Co-production involves everybody working together on an equal basis to create a service or coming to a decision which works for them all
I am a professional and I want to find out about...
Making an adult social care referral as a professional
Professionals working with adults can make a referral to us for additional support
Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS) for providers and professionals
How to make a DoLS referral, including considerations before applying and what happens after you've completed the referral
Adult social care plans and policies
Read our plans, policies and procedures
Workplace Wellbeing support
Discover workplace wellbeing best practices, how to implement them, and improve the health of your business and employees