People urged to look after their brain health and quit smoking
Health and wellbeing07 March 2023

Smokers in West Northamptonshire are being urged to give quitting a go ahead of National No Smoking Day on Wednesday 8 March.
The theme this year is 'stopping smoking protects your brain health' as research shows those who smoke are more likely to develop dementia.
Smoking raises the risk of developing dementia, particularly Alzheimer’s disease and vascular dementia, as it harms the vascular system (heart and blood vessels) and the brain. Studies also suggest that quitting smoking reduces this risk substantially, and smoking has been identified as one of twelve risk factors that if eliminated entirely, could collectively prevent or delay up to 40% of dementia cases.
In West Northamptonshire, around 11% of adults smoke having a significant impact on their physical and brain health, as well as their wealth. Mike, from Northampton contacted the Stop Smoking Service in November 2022 and has quit smoking ever since. He said:
“I’d smoked for nearly 50 years before attending the West Northants Smoke free Consultation’s with Joanna. I’d tried other solutions tablets patches etc but was never successful. We met once a fortnight and discussed how the quitting was going and if any relapses had occurred."Mike from Northampton
“I first visited on 24th November 2022 its now early March 2023 and a cigarette hasn’t passed my lips. I feel healthier what I’ve saved has helped with the increase in fuel costs all very positive."
“It’s worked for me I would recommend the face-to-face service to anyone who is seriously interested in giving up.”
It is never too late to quit. To get in touch with the Stop Smoking Service at West Northamptonshire Council please visit our Stop Smoking Service page or call 0300 126 5700 (option 1) – people can contact the service directly without a referral from a health professional.
Quitting smoking is the best thing you can do to improve your physical and brain health, as well as your wealth. By taking the first step of quitting for one day, will see your oxygen level return to normal.Richard Holley, Area Manager and Tobacco Control Lead at the Council's Stop Smoking Service
After 48 hours of smoking your last cigarette, your body will have flushed out all the carbon monoxide, your lungs will start to clear out mucus and your senses of taste and smell will improve. Following this, after 2 to 12 weeks – your blood will be pumping through to your heart and muscles much better because your circulation will have significantly improved.
The difference you see after the 12-week mark of no smoking is huge and that’s why the Stop Smoking Service offers a free 12-week course, to help get people to this point. We have several advisors that are on hand to support, with phone or face to face appointments available, as well as provide a free e-cigarette starter kit and 12-week supply of e-liquid or nicotine replacement therapy – whatever options suits best.
“Since the start of this year, nearly 500 West Northamptonshire residents have been referred, or have referred themselves, for stop smoking support with almost 300 ‘quit dates’ being agreed. It is great to see such a large number of residents taking their first step to quit and with the support of our stop smoking service, they are three times more likely to quit for good.”Cllr Matt Golby, Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care and Public Health