West Northamptonshire Council to consider funding Abington Park facilities
Country parks, parks and open spaces01 November 2022
On Tuesday, 8 November, West Northamptonshire Council’s (WNC) Cabinet will decide whether to fund £1.2 million of improvements to facilities on the east side of Abington Park.
Abington Park is at the heart of Northampton Town and provides a vastly used green space for residents and visitors.
Welfare facilities are essential for visitors of the area, however, in recent years, the facilities at the east of the park have become disused and become an area for anti-social behaviour.
The Council took action to close the facilities in 2021, due to their partially concealed view the current location is no longer fit for purpose.
Cabinet will review plans to allocate £1.2 million worth of Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) funds for 2023/24 to demolish the existing building and relocate welfare facilities to a new more visible and convenient location.
Cllr Phil Larratt, Cabinet Member for environment, transport, highways and waste at WNC, said: "We are committed to work with our partners and residents to listen and respond to their views on our facilities.
"Abington Park is a focal point for the town, and is well-loved by many across the county.
"By providing improved welfare facilities, appropriate to the setting, in a more convenient and open location, we can ensure that they meet the needs of visitors and discourage anti-social behaviour."
Cabinet will review plans on Tuesday, 8 November and will outline the next steps for the project.