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World Mental Health Day

07 October 2022

Monday 10 October is World Mental Health Day and every year it brings organisations, communities and individuals from all over the world together to talk about mental health and raise awareness of support and advice available.

Mental health problems exist in many people’s day to day lives, within friendships, families, workplaces and communities. Even though awareness of mental health grows every year, there is still a huge difference in how it is recognised and treated in comparison to physical health, as well as the associated stigma. That’s why this World Mental Health Day, we are talking about support available in West Northamptonshire and how you, a friend, relative or colleague can access it if you / they need too.

Promoting Good Mental Health and Wellbeing

Children and Young people

'Mentally Healthy Schools' have produced resource packs for primary, secondary and further education settings, to help improve pupils’ understanding of mental health and to get them talking about it. You can view the resource packs here: World Mental Health Day 2022 toolkit : Mentally Healthy Schools. In addition to the resource packs, ServiceSix and the Calm Harm app have lots of helpful resources and support available for children and young people’s mental health and wellbeing.

Adults and older people

There are many community initiatives and schemes in West Northamptonshire that aim to promote good physical and mental wellbeing through community walks and guided physical activities, befriending schemes and luncheon clubs, such as those included below.

Northamptonshire good neighbour scheme

The aim of this scheme is to support neighbours to maintain a good quality of life, reduce isolation and build a stronger community. This scheme is run by local people in the community and offers help with practical tasks such as driving, shopping or providing emotional support such as befriending. For more information please visit: Acre Northamptonshire webpage or call on 01604 765888.

The New Street Centre in Daventry

The New Street Centre has a café which is open three times a week, as well as provides a range of activities for older people to be involved. For more information please call 01327 300614.

Daventry and District Forum

The Daventry and District Forum run by the people over fifties aims to enhance the quality of life of those living in Daventry District. The forum provides a friendly, social environment for older people to meet and make new friends, as well as offer entertainment, guest speakers and more. For more information, please visit the Daventry District Forum webpage

Mental health services and support Our mental health services and support webpage, has lots of useful information about local services available for children and young people, as well as adults and how people can get in touch.

In Northamptonshire, we work in partnership with both primary care and more specialist mental health services provided by the NHS to ensure that both health and social care needs are responded to. Find out more about local NHS mental health services.

Tackling stress at work

The Health and Safety Executive have provided some helpful resources and tips for supporting good mental health and wellbeing in the workplace.

Top tips for looking after your wellbeing

Having a chat

Meeting with family, friends and colleagues can really help your mental wellbeing and how you are feeling on a daily basis. This can be a walk, a catch up for a cuppa or even a phone call… a conversation can go a really long way! Other ways to nurture our mental wellbeing can be learning a new skill or activities such as yoga or Tai Chi sessions. Check out our adult learning courses here.

Getting some fresh air

Being outside and surrounded by nature is great for our physical and emotional health and there are many ways you can do this!

Visit the Northamptonshire Walks web site and join their Facebook Page, find out about new walks and explore your local environment. Northamptonshire Country Parks are a great place to explore.

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