Highway status enquiries
We are the Highway Authority for West Northamptonshire and hold information about the status and extent of the highway. This excludes trunk roads and motorways - these are the responsibility of Highways England. We also advise on matters relating to boundary features such as trees, hedges or fence lines.
Due to the work involved in providing extent of highway information, we have implemented charges that are considered to reasonably reflect the cost of research and administration for answering these enquiries.
If you require a plan showing the extent of publicly maintained highway in the vicinity of a property, there is a charge of £65 per A4 sheet at 1:500 to 1:2500 scale or £85 per A3 sheet.
If an area of land requires a plan larger than A3 please seek advice as the price may vary, please contact us.
There is a charge of £13 for each additional question relating to:
- section 38 agreements and adoption information - if you require a copy of a Section 38 Agreement there are additional costs associated with this
- traffic management and highway schemes
- whether a property abuts the highway
- public rights of way
- highway building and improvement lines
We will issue an invoice once the search has been completed.
Obtaining a copy of a Section 38 Agreement
Find out how to obtain a copy of a Section 38 Agreement.
How to get in touch
Investigation and Searches
West Northamptonshire Council
The Guildhall
St Giles Square
Highway Register (List Of Streets)
Highways Act 1980 Section 36(6) & (7)
We are required to keep an up-to-date list of streets maintained at public expense under Section 36 of the Highways Act 1980.
The Highways Register is constantly being amended and updated. Where there are doubts about the status shown for any particular street, contact Investigation and Searches (Northamptonshire Highways).
This list is held in digital format and can be accessed via our Interactive Mapping.
Last updated 19 December 2024