Estates Management
The council owns a portfolio of approximately 1,000 properties that are managed and maintained by the Estates, Facilities and Works teams at West Northamptonshire Council. This portfolio includes 'operational' buildings such as headquarters office accommodation (for example One Angel Square and the Guildhall in Northampton), Schools, Care Homes, Libraries and so on. These operational properties provide critical facilities enabling the Council to deliver and provide essential services to the residents of West Northamptonshire.
Also included within this portfolio are “non-operational” assets. These assets do not in themselves directly deliver Council services but are instead let to private tenants. Occupiers can include tenants that provide wider social, economic, and environmental benefits to the residents of West Northamptonshire, but also private companies, generating a significant revenue income stream which is used by the Council to support the delivery of statutory services and wider corporate objectives.
The Council also owns a significant number of residential houses as part of its council housing stock. These properties are not directly managed by the councils Estates team but are managed through Northampton Partnership Homes (NPH).
Our role
The role of the Estates team is to manage the council's property estate and enable cost effective and efficient property solutions that are fit for purpose and deliver the maximum benefit for the residents of West Northamptonshire. Working alongside colleagues in the Facilities and Works teams, we collect, manage, and analyse core property information including (but not limited to) tenure, size, occupation, cost, energy efficiency (EPC/DEC) and condition. We are also responsible for delivering the 5-year rolling programme of asset and insurance valuations to support the Councils financial reporting protocols.
With the information gathered under the above processes, the Council is able to make informed strategic decisions about the use of its corporate estate to ensure that it is fit for purpose, meets service transformational requirements, and aligns with wider corporate objectives. We have one simple aim, to enable the corporate estate to allow our services, and the communities to which they serve, thrive
Property policies
Contact information
If you have any estates related queries, the team can be contacted at [email protected]
Estates Department
One Angel Square
Angel Street
Tel: 0300 126 1002 (Option 1)
Last updated 19 July 2024