Temporary opportunities

Temporary vacancies at West Northamptonshire Council are managed by Opus People Solutions, our temporary recruitment partner.
Opus works directly with us to recruit all temporary roles within the council and therefore candidates registered with Opus are first to hear about new and upcoming opportunities.
Areas Opus regularly have vacancies for include:
- Social work and Social Care
- Business Support & Administration
- Technical and Professional
- Management and Senior interim
- Industrial
Why choose temporary work?
If you are seeking short-term work opportunities with us or are looking to gain experience within the public sector more generally, temporary work is a great place to start.
Benefits for candidates include:
- the ability to gain experience in a role to support permanent applications
- flexibility
- variety – you can work in different council departments
- networking opportunities
- minimising employment gaps
- gaining experience to support career change
How to register for temporary work at West Northamptonshire Council
You can find out more and register with Opus on their website.
Candidates registered with Opus are first to hear about jobs at West Northamptonshire Council and many jobs get filled directly by candidates pre-registered with Opus before the need to advertise externally.
After registering with Opus, one of Opus’ recruitment consultants will review your CV and notify you of the jobs best suited for your skills and requirements.
You can also visit their LinkedIn page and explore their Facebook page.
Last updated 02 October 2024