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Pay a parking Penalty Charge Notice (PCN)

Note: to appeal a parking PCN, see Appeal a parking PCN.

Before you start

To pay, you will need:

  • your vehicle registration number
  • the PCN number listed on your parking ticket

Important: You should not make payment if you wish to appeal further because payment is acceptance of liability. By making payment you are therefore admitting that the ticket was right. Payment will close the case and no further communication will be considered.

Amount to pay

The penalty charge is either

  • £70 (reduced to £35 if paid within 14 days); or
  • £50 (reduced to £25 if paid within 14 days)

Ensure payment is made for the correct amount, so that you don't pay either too little, or too much.

How to pay

If you are paying more than one penalty charge please ensure that you enter each PCN number individually.

We do not accept payment by instalments, cash or by Visa Electron or American Express. Please see below for more information relating to our policy on instalment plans and why we do not accept these.


Pay by credit or debit card using our online payments system:


Call our 24-hour automated line on 0345 680 0153 (option 1).

Pay by post

Please ensure that you quote the PCN number on the back of the cheque or postal order.

Allow 2 working days for 1st class post and 5 working days for 2nd class post.

If you would like a receipt please enclose a stamped addressed envelope.

To pay by cheque or postal order, please make your cheque payable to West Northamptonshire Council and post to:

Traffic Enforcement Team
The Guildhall
St Giles Square

Further information

Unpaid PCNs are a civil debt recoverable in the same way as any other debt. We employ Enforcement Agents to recover unpaid parking debt.

If you have been contacted by an Enforcement Agent please ensure that payment is made to them. We will not accept payment for any PCNs that have reached this stage.

The money raised from parking enforcement is used to fund the cost of the service. Any surplus raised is used for highway and environmental improvements. Civil Enforcement Officers do not receive bonuses for the number of the PCNs they issue.

The purpose of the enforcement guidelines is to:

  • deliver a high quality parking service to road users in a fair and consistent way
  • ensure clarity of enforcement requirements and parking policy
  • have a single point in which enforcement policy is documented and updated when changes occur

For further information and contravention breakdowns, please see the document below:

​We made a decision not to allow payment of PCNs by instalment for the following reasons:

  • the cost of administering the system
  • many customers who had been allowed instalment plans failed to adhere to them
  • only short term instalments could be allowed to keep within the statutory PCN timescales
  • current legislation states that in order for a case to be closed, full payment must be made within certain timescales. This does not provide the motorist with the opportunity to settle a case other than that stated within the legislation. Those seeking instalment plans often wish to do so over a longer period than could be allowed
  • payment arrangements could not be allowed during the discounted period as legislation states that the discounted period only lasts for 14 days
  • the deterrent of a PCN may be compromised if small repayments, or long term payment arrangements, are accepted

The Taking Control of Goods Regulations 2014 (TCG) sets out the rules and regulations for all debts. This will ensure transparency and consistency of the fees that are charged throughout the industry.

Fee structure

StageFees and actions
Compliance stageThe Compliance Fee: £75 per warrant and is triggered once the instruction is received.
Enforcement stageThe Enforcement Fee: £235 (and 7.5% of the debt amount exceeding £1,500) is triggered once an Enforcement Agent is in attendance. No action is required to trigger the fee.
Sale stage

The Sale Fee: £110 (and 7.5% of the debt amount exceeding £1500) when a visit is made to the relevant premises for transporting good(s):

  • to a place of sale
  • at the place of sale
  • for the preparation of the sale

This stage can attract additional costs - see below for further information.

The only additional fees or cost that can be charged to the debtor are:

  • storage costs (on removal of goods)
  • locksmith charges (gaining access and securing premises when force is used)
  • court fees (granted in exceptional circumstances)
  • auction fees at auctioneer's premises (commission not exceeding 15%)
  • sales on debtor's premises (commission not exceeding 7.5%)

Last updated 12 July 2024