It is widely understood that a rich biodiverse environment brings benefits to both people and wildlife we share the space with. We only permit development where it protects trees, habitats, protected species, landscape, or other precious natural resources such as water, land, and air.
We also require enhancements to most developments to secure natural environment enrichment of the area. This is in line with National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) for achieving sustainable development that improves the natural environment, mitigates for climate change and makes infrastructure adaptable to climate change effects.
In addition, it seeks to increase the overall biodiversity to create wider richer biodiverse habitats, a process known as Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG). Biodiversity Net Gain will soon become mandatory for some types of developments.
We have a Biodiversity check list. Please read this document and answer the questions in it, as you may have to submit other documents, such as but not limited to, Biodiversity statements, Preliminary Ecological Assessments (PEA), Ecology surveys or obtain licences for protected species.
If the correct reports or surveys are not submitted as part of your application this may prevent it being made valid.
If protected species are identified on or near to the site that may be harmed by way of the development proposed, then you may have further obligations. For more details see Ecology - further guidance.
If you have any ecology queries you can contact the team by email at [email protected].
Last updated 08 December 2023