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Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA)

The Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) is a comprehensive and collaborative approach to understanding the health and wellbeing needs of our community. As a fundamental tool for decision-making, the JSNA plays a pivotal role in shaping policies and strategies that aim to improve the overall quality of life for residents within West Northamptonshire.

The JSNA brings together key stakeholders, including local authorities, health services, community organisations and the public to analyse and interpret a wide range of data related to health, social care, and wellbeing. By pooling our resources and expertise, we can create a holistic and evidence-based understanding of the current and future needs of our diverse population.

Our commitment to conducting a robust JSNA reflects our dedication to promoting health equity, addressing health inequalities and fostering a culture of inclusivity. This assessment serves as a powerful tool for identifying areas of improvement, allocating resources effectively, and developing targeted interventions that respond to the unique challenges and opportunities present in our community.

Throughout this collaborative process, we aim to engage with residents, listening to their voices and valuing their lived experiences. By incorporating local perspectives, we ensure that our strategies resonate with the needs and aspirations of the people we serve. The JSNA is not just a collection of documents; it is a dynamic and ongoing dialogue that seeks to adapt and evolve in response to the changing landscape of our community.

As we embark on this journey together, we invite you to explore the insights, analyses, and recommendations presented in the Local Authority JSNA suite of documents. Your involvement and feedback are crucial to the success of our collective efforts to create a healthier, happier, and more resilient community for everyone.

Thank you for joining us in this vital endeavour.

Requesting documents

Due to the complex nature and depth of some of the JSNA documents, it is not possible to create fully accessible versions that can be published on our website. However, these documents are available on request.​ 

Please email [email protected] to request and receive these documents.

Live Your Best Life ambitions

To help meet our vision, a set of 10 ‘Live Your Best Life’ ambitions have been developed to deliver better outcomes for the people of West Northamptonshire over the coming years. Each ambition looks at the approaches we need to take together to help us improve outcomes in partnership with our residents. We have aligned the following suite of documents to our ‘Live Your Best Life’ ambitions.

Ambition 1: The best start in life

  • Care Leavers JSNA Insight Pack 2020 (PDF) - available on request

Ambition 2: Access to the best available education and learning

  • Future published documents related to this ambition will appear here when they are available

Ambition 3: The opportunity to be fit well and independent

  • Future published documents related to this ambition will appear here when they are available

Ambition 4: Employment and Anti- poverty

  • Future published documents related to this ambition will appear here when they are available

Ambition 5: Good housing in places which are clean and green

  • Future published documents related to this ambition will appear here when they are available

Ambition 6: To feel safe in their homes and when out and about

  • Carers JSNA Insight Pack 2020 (PDF) - available on request
  • Carers JSNA Briefing Pack 2020 (PDF) - available on request
  • Falls Prevention JSNA In Depth Assessment 2020 (PDF) - available on request

Ambition 7: Connected to their families and friends

  • Social Wellbeing Needs Assessment 2020 (PDF) - available on request

Ambition 8: The chance for a fresh start, when things go wrong

  • Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Full Needs Assessment (PDF) - available on request
  • Substance Misuse Full Needs Assessment (PDF) - available on request

Ambition 9: Access to health and social care when they need it

  • West Northamptonshire Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment 2021 (PDF) - available on request

Ambition 10: To be accepted and valued simply for who they are

  • Future published documents related to this ambition will appear here when they are available

Inclusion health groups

  • Primary Care Network Profile – The Arc Hub 2022 (PDF) - available on request
  • Primary Care Network Profile – Blue 2022 (PDF) - available on request
  • Primary Care Network Profile – Brackley and Towcester 2022 (PDF) - available on request
  • Primary Care Network Profile – Daventry 2022 (PDF) - available on request
  • Primary Care Network Profile – Grand Union 2022 (PDF) - available on request
  • Primary Care Network Profile – MMWF 2022 (PDF) - available on request
  • Primary Care Network Profile – MWEB 2022 (PDF) - available on request
  • Primary Care Network Profile – Northamptonshire Rural 2022 (PDF) - available on request
  • Primary Care Network Profile – Parkwood 2022 (PDF) - available on request
  • Primary Care Network Profile – Royal Parks 2022 (PDF) - available on request

Last updated 10 July 2024