Statement of Community Involvement (SCI)
Currently there are five Statements of Community Involvement (SCI) for the West Northamptonshire Area.
Firstly an SCI which was adopted in September 2021 to deal solely with how the we will consult with the community, partners and stakeholders on what was then termed the Strategic Plan, now the Local Plan.
The three former Councils also produced SCIs that dealt with how the they would consult with the community, partners and stakeholders in the production of Local Plans, Neighbourhood Plans, Supplementary Planning Documents, Conservation Area reviews and the determination of Planning Applications. These are still operational for the relevant parts of the West Northamptonshire area.
We will, in due course, replace all of these SCIs with a single SCI dealing with all relevant matters for the whole West Northamptonshire area.
There is also an SCI which deals with engagement in the production of the Minerals and Waste Local Plan.
Last updated 22 September 2023