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Book a site inspection

Support following PWC Building Control Ltd Liquidation

We are supporting residents following the liquidation of PWC Building Control Services Ltd, which had been providing building control services across the East Midlands, including from a Towcester-based office.

With PWC Building Control Services Ltd placed into voluntary liquidation, We are ready to assist residents and ensure projects remain compliant with building regulations. Many projects previously under their supervision can now transition to WNC-trusted Building Control services, which are staffed by professionally qualified and experienced surveyors.

Building control is vital for ensuring the safety and quality of construction work, and we continue to offer reliable, cost-effective services. While residents have always had the option to use private services, our Building Control team is on hand to support affected residents, and is doing this initially through clearly explaining the options for former PWC customers.

Although the sudden closure of PWC Building Control is going to have significantly concerned their customers, we will do our best to help those affected. We are currently writing to all PWC customers to set out their options, where former PWC customers choose to submit reversion applications we will do our best to determine these as quickly as staff resources allow.

While we are committed to managing this increased workload as efficiently as possible, ensuring residents receive the highest level of service and support, nonetheless we know that many people will experience a delay.

We are committed to minimising disruption for affected residents as far as resources allow, and are here to provide expert guidance and assistance through every step of the building control process.

We make statutory and routine inspections during the construction stage of the works to check compliance with the building regulations and other allied legislation and guidance.

Before you book an inspection make sure you have the following information ready:

  • Reference number and/or site address
  • Contact name and number of the person on site
  • Work requiring inspection/ inspection type
  • Date of inspection

Please note we require 24 hours notice for all site inspections. We must receive your inspection request before 5pm Monday to Friday for an inspection to be carried out the following day. Therefore, please ensure you contact us at least one working day before the required inspection.

Alternatively, you can call 0300 126 7000 to book a site inspection with our technical support team.

In order to book an inspection through our online form or by phone, we will need to have received your application and fee first.

Please do not call our office number for an estimated time of arrival as we are unable to provide a specific time slot and we cannot guarantee a morning or afternoon inspection. You should receive a call approximately 30 minutes or more prior to the site inspection.

Where possible, we try and accommodate all inspection requests. However, during extremely busy periods, we cannot always fulfil your request. In this instance, you should be contacted by a surveyor to advise.

Site inspections

A large part of the Building Control service is the inspection of your project as the work progresses. Your project will be inspected regularly and it is important we are called in to inspect the following ten stages.

Not all of these inspections will be relevant to every project but please ensure that your builder calls us out at the relevant stages. If inspections have been missed this can cause problems with the issuing of your completion certificate.

1. Commencement

When your builder starts on site please give us a call. This will give us a chance to get to know your builder, discuss how the project will proceed and agree the stages at which the property should be inspected.

2. Excavation of foundations

It is very important that we are called in at this stage as the foundations are fundamental to the success of the project. We will assess the ground and site conditions and ensure that the foundations are suitable for the building proposed.

3. Foundation concrete

If 'strip concrete' foundations are used we will check that the concrete has been properly placed and is of sufficient thickness. This visit is not necessary if 'trench fill concrete' or 'piled foundations' are used.

4. Damp-proof course

When the builder is ready to start building the walls we will inspect the work to ensure that a suitable damp proof course has been installed.

5. Casting of concrete oversite

When your builder is ready to concrete your floor slab we will visit to check that the ground has been properly prepared, that there is adequate floor insulation in place and that a suitable damp proof membrane has been provided.

6. Drainage

Before any new drains are covered up we should be called in so that we can ensure they have been correctly installed and connected up.

7. Drainage testing

On major projects we will ask to carry out an air test on the new drainage system to ensure there are no leaks.

8. Pre-plaster, floor structures, roof structures and beams

We will try to inspect suspended floor structures, roofs, structural beams, sanitary drainage and electrical work before they are covered up to ensure they are suitably sized and have been correctly installed.

9. Occupation

If you wish to occupy part of your project before it is complete we will inspect that area of the project to ensure that it complies with the Building Regulations and that it is safe for you to move in.

10. Completion

Our final inspection here we will inspect the work to ensure that it has been finished off in compliance with the Building Regulations. Once your project has been satisfactorily completed we will issue you with a completion certificate; you may need this if you wish to sell your house.

Last updated 04 February 2025