Find your Councillor
Find information and contact details for your local Councillor
Council meetings
Find agendas and meeting documents relating to West Northamptonshire Council meetings
Apply to speak at a public meeting
How you take part in public meetings varies according to different types of meeting - find out more and how to apply
Find agendas and meeting documents for the West Northamptonshire executive, appointments, standards, overview and scrutiny committees
Read the Constitution document for West Northamptonshire Council
Make a complaint about a Councillor
Find out how to make a complaint about a Councillor
Members allowances
How much West Northamptonshire councillors have received in allowances
Chairman of West Northamptonshire Council
Cllr Jo Gilford has been confirmed as the fourth Chairman of West Northamptonshire Council
HM Lord Lieutenant of Northamptonshire
The Northamptonshire Lieutenancy is the link between the monarchy and the county of Northamptonshire
Other local representatives and councils
Find contact details for other local and national government representatives
Honorary Aldermen
Find out more about the scheme for the enrolment of Honorary Aldermen at West Northamptonshire Council, and meet the currently appointed Honorary Aldermen