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Apply to speak at a public meeting

How you take part and how you apply varies according to different types of meeting. Please read the relevant guidance published in our Constitution.

Find information about the process if you want to speak at a planning meeting.

If you'd like to speak at another public meeting, you can find out more information by:

  • contacting [email protected]
  • telephoning the committee clerk whose direct phone number will be on the ‘Information about this Agenda’ page of the meeting agenda

See a list of committees and meetings

Visit our Moderngov site to find a full list of committees and meetings.

When you can apply

Agendas are made available at least 5 clear days ahead of the meeting, so you can see what items will be discussed. Once the agenda is published you may register to speak.

Before you apply

To take part you:

  • must be a resident in, or a registered local government elector for West Northamptonshire or, where members of the public use specific council services, for example as a parent of a school pupil, they have additional rights (these are not covered in the Constitution) and with the exception of Planning Committees
  • will be given a set amount of time during the meeting
  • must not say anything defamatory or offensive, or require the council or committee to disclose confidential information

If necessary, to fully answer your query, we will pass your contact details on to officers of the council and county councillors.

How to apply

Please tell us:

  • your title, name and address, email address and/or phone number
  • who you are representing
  • the name of the committee or meeting you wish to speak at
  • the item of planning application to discuss (if relevant)
  • the date of the meeting (if known)
  • your question or comment

You can contact us by:


[email protected]


0300 126 7000


Democratic Services
West Northamptonshire Council
One Angel Square
Angel Street
NN1 1ED 

Last updated 10 June 2024