Honorary Aldermen
Background of the scheme

Under section 249 of the Local Government Act 1972, the Council can confer the title of "Honorary Alderman". This title can be given to individuals who have rendered eminent services as past members of the Council, but are not current members.
To confer this title, a special meeting of the full Council must take place, and a resolution passed by at least two thirds of the voting members present.
"Eminent services" means serving as an elected member for 12 years for:
- West Northamptonshire Council
- Northampton Borough
- Daventry District
- South Northamptonshire
- or the relevant part of Northamptonshire County Council
Additionally, they must meet at least one of the following conditions:
- holding senior political office with distinction
- having an exceptional record of community service and leadership
In exceptional cases, less than 12 years of service may be considered upon the recommendation of the Leader of the Council.
Meeting the qualification criteria does not automatically confer the title. Individuals must be nominated and enrolled according to this scheme.
Nomination and enrolment
Nominations should only be made for exceptional cases.
Any serving West Northamptonshire Councillor can submit a nomination in writing to the Chief Executive Officer, with the support of their Group Leader or the Leader of the Council.
Once a valid nomination is received, informal discussions will take place involving a panel chaired by the Chairman of the Council to determine support for the nomination. The individual will also be asked about their willingness to accept the title.
If supported, a special meeting will be convened before the next ordinary full Council meeting.
At this special meeting, the full Council will formally resolve to confer the honorary title, celebrate the recipient's achievements, and make any presentations. The meeting summons will include the proposal and reasons for the honour.
How to nominate
If you wish to nominate an alderman, you can contact the Chairman at [email protected].
An Honorary Alderman is entitled to:
- the courtesy title of "Alderman"
- being named as an Alderman on the Council website
- attending Council meetings as an observer with a seat provided
- receiving invitations to all civic and social events for Council members
- wearing a badge, robe, or emblem on civic occasions if provided by the Council
The Council may alter, amend, supplement, or withdraw these privileges.
Honorary Aldermen cannot influence Council meetings or receive any allowances under the Members' Allowance Scheme.
Withdrawal of the title and privileges
The Council can withdraw the title and privileges in specific cases.
Withdrawal requires a resolution passed by at least two thirds of voting members at a specially convened full Council meeting. The meeting summons will include the proposal and reasons for withdrawal.
Honorary positions are non-political. If an Alderman resumes Council membership, they cannot be addressed as Alderman or benefit from the privileges until they cease to be a Councillor again.
Last updated 27 January 2025