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Town and Parish Councils help centre

West Northamptonshire Council is committed to working with town and parish councils. The Community Safety and Engagement service operates a parish liaison function to help parish clerks gain timely responses to enquiries submitted to our council. The function was introduced following a series of recommendations put to the Executive Leadership Team in October 2022. The parish liaison officer can be contacted by email to [email protected].

Services are encouraged to maintain good working relationships with parish clerks and engage with them early around issues and initiatives that may be of interest to the parish.

This page has been developed to provide clerks with a single place to access West Northamptonshire Council and its services.

Below are the expected standards for communication with town and parish councils or the Northamptonshire County Association of Local Councils (NCALC) as the representative body for parish councils.

Each service should have a generic email address for parish councils to contact, and a single point of contact identified to monitor and respond to this Inbox.

On receipt of an email from a parish clerk:

  • an acknowledgement email should be sent within 5 working days
  • a response on progress on the identified issue to be sent within 10 working days (which could be, if necessary, a holding email saying further investigation required and giving an expected date for a further response). Update email on progress to be sent within 10 working days if still not resolved, until the case has been resolved and the clerk notified
  • failure on either of these would trigger an escalation email from the clerk to the Single Point of Contact for that service
  • failure to respond by Single Point of Contact needs to be reported to the Parish Council Liaison Officer
  • Parish Council Liaison Officer will investigate and respond within 10 working days.

Contact us

To contact various departments see our contact us page.

Clerks can utilize self-service options through the contact us form.

Organisational structure

See our organisational structure

Electoral services

Our electoral services team provides resources you might require for local elections, including a timetable of activity.

Licensing applications

The Public Register provides details of current licensing applications.

Councillors Code of Conduct

For issues relating to code of conduct, please contact the monitoring officer at [email protected] to initiate a complaint about a councillor.


Highways issues can be reported on Fix My Street.

For information about the adoption of roads, please contact [email protected].

To contact the Highways team, please email [email protected]. This inbox is continually monitored.

The Regulation Team gives permission for planters, bins, benches and planting, on land adjacent to highways.

For all of these you will have to provide:

  • a plan of the area marked to show location
  • design of whatever they want to install
  • a copy of agreement to maintain
  • a copy of public liability
  • a copy of adjacent landowner’s agreement
  • if planting/trees we need to know what species

Please send details to [email protected].


The West Northamptonshire Planning Register holds all planning applications since 1974.

For enquiries relating to Section 106, please email [email protected].   

For enquiries relating to Community Infrastructure Levy, please email [email protected].

Below is a list of useful links relating to the planning service:


Assets of Community Value

Information on Assets of Community Value including the nomination process and the Assets of Community Value register.

Customer Services outreach events

West Northamptonshire Customer Services team are available at regular drop-in sessions in libraries and other locations across West Northants. Find out if there is a drop-in session near you.

Emergency planning

Find guidance for preparing a Community Emergency and Flood Plan.

If you need to contact emergency planning, please email [email protected] or go to our emergency planning page for more information

Waste management page

For any issues relating to Waste please see our the Bins, Recycling and Waste pages.

Litter reporting

Report a need for street sweeping.

Public Spaces Protection Order

There are a number of Public Spaces Protection Orders in place across West Northamptonshire including one for Dog Control and the Prohibition of Smoking in specific open spaces. Find out more Public Spaces Protection Orders. (PSPOs).

Generic email addresses

As described in the engagement protocol, clerks are encouraged to use the self-service options that can be accessed through the contact us page. If there is no response through this, the following email addresses can be used.

For any issues relating to household recycling centres - [email protected]