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Housing - Local Offer

Leaving the childhood home and living independently with varying levels of support will take time and lots of planning. Take time to research housing options, and consider looking at different areas to live in.

For more advice about living independently, please see our Preparation for Adulthood section.

Charities and local housing associations can help with living arrangements.

West Northamptonshire Council Housing Allocation Scheme

To receive social housing, people need to join the local authority’s social housing register. People with disabilities should say what type of accommodation they’d like and any extra support they need.

For example, they could say that they’ll find it difficult to bid for properties and would like to be considered for a direct allocation.

Find out more about the Housing Register.

West Northamptonshire Council Housing Solutions (Northampton area)

The Private Sector Housing Solutions (PSHS) Team helps people with support needs to stay in their homes. It can also help with Disabled Facility Grants (DFG).

Sheltered Housing is managed by the Independent Living Team. It enables retired or younger disabled people to live in their own homes and manage their affairs for as long as possible. Sheltered properties are flats or bungalows linked to a control centre. This means help can be summoned in an emergency any time, day or night.

Support staff visit residents in sheltered housing to check on their wellbeing. They also help residents maintain their independence, and signpost them to other agencies.

Northampton Partnership Homes

Northampton Partnership Homes (NPH) is an arms-length organisation. It manages West Northamptonshire Council's social housing services in the Northampton area.

NPH’s Housing Support Service supports people who struggle to manage their tenancies. It aims to assist tenants in maintaining a successful tenancy and living independently.

The Housing Support Service can make referrals to statutory services if necessary. Support is client-led and tailored to individual needs. The team coordinates with other services and often supports NPH tenants with eligible needs.

Grand Union Housing Group (South Northants)

The Grand Union Housing Group (GUHG) manages the council's social housing services in South Northants. It provides a supported living service, shared housing, and registered care homes.

GUHG also offers aids and adaptions for tenants with disabilities.

Home ownership for people with long-term disabilities (HOLD)

Home ownership for people with long-term disabilities (HOLD) is a government-approved scheme. It enables people with long-term disabilities to buy a home on the open market on Shared Ownership terms.

With HOLD, people can buy an initial share of a home worth between 10% and 75% of its market value. They pay rent to the housing provider on the rest. People can buy more shares in the future if they wish. When they buy more shares, they pay less rent.

Find out more about HOLD.

In Northamptonshire, HOLD is provided by Advance Housing and Support Ltd.

Adult Social Care

The council's Adult Social Care (ASC) Team uses a contract framework called Commissioning for a Good Life. It lists locally commissioned services for people with learning disabilities. The list includes residential care homes, supported living services, and domiciliary care services.

Other useful housing information

The Accessible Property Register

The Accessible Property Register website helps individuals find adapted wheelchair-friendly properties for sale or to rent. It also lists accessible holiday homes.

Community Law Service (Northampton and County)

Community Law is a registered charity. It provides advice and representation on benefits, energy efficiency, debt, housing, and immigration. The service is free, independent, and confidential.

Community Law operates under a Legal Aid contract and offers housing advice to individuals who qualify for Legal Aid. Its specialist housing advisors provide a casework service and legal representation.


Mencap has a collection of easy-read guides about housing for people with learning disabilities.

Search the Local Offer directory.

Last updated 04 June 2024