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The Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) process

Stage 1: Planning application and CIL additional information requirement form (applicant)

All applications will require the submission of a CIL Additional Information Requirement Form (alongside all other application forms and supporting information). The information provided on this form will enable us to determine whether CIL is payable and to calculate the chargeable amount.

Failure to supply this will invalidate your application and lead to delays. If no information is received, we can deem any existing floor space to be zero when we calculate the chargeable rate.

If you think existing floor space, to be used or demolished, should be deducted as part of the CIL calculations, you must be able to demonstrate that it has been in continuous lawful use for at least six months in the last three years, prior to the development being permitted. You must supply evidence to support your claim.

You do not need to supply a CIL Additional Information Requirement Form for:

  • Householder applications where no new floor space is being created
  • Outline applications
  • Reserved matters applications for outline consents issued before 1 April 2016
  • Certificates of Lawfulness (Existing and Proposed Development)
  • Advertisement applications
  • Demolition in conservation areas
  • Listed building consent
  • All prior notifications: telecoms, utilities, agricultural and large householder applications
  • Agricultural determinations
  • Approval of details reserved by condition
  • Hedgerow removal notices
  • All tree applications: TPOs, TCAs
  • Non-material amendments
  • Neighbouring authority applications
  • County matters
  • Discharge of Section 106 clauses
  • Hazardous substance consent
  • Screening and scoping opinions
  • Nationally important infrastructure applications

Last updated 07 July 2023