Adult learning privacy notice
Read the privacy notice for the Adult learning service
Adult social care, quality assurance and safeguarding service team privacy notice
Read the privacy notice for the adult social care, quality assurance and safeguarding service team privacy notice
Resettlement privacy notice
Read the privacy notice for Resettlement in West Northamptonshire
Anti-social behaviour (ASB) reporting privacy notice
Read the privacy notice on anti-social behaviour reporting
Apprenticeships privacy notice
Read our apprenticeships privacy notice
Benefits privacy notice
Read the privacy notice for the benefits service
Building control privacy notice
Read our building control privacy notice
Candidates and agents privacy notice
Read the privacy notice for candidates and agents
CASPAR privacy notice
Read the privacy notice for CASPAR
Children's Trust privacy notice
Visit the Northamptonshire Children's Trust website to read privacy notices for children's services
Communications privacy notice
Read the privacy notice for the Communications service
Community safety and engagement privacy notice
Read the privacy notice for community safety and engagement
Consultation and engagement privacy notice
Read the privacy notice for consultation and engagement
Coronavirus (COVID-19) privacy notice
Read the Coronavirus (COVID-19) privacy notice
Coroners privacy notice
Read about the coroners service privacy notice
Corporate privacy notice
How we collect, use and share your information, how we keep it safe, how long we keep it and how we will dispose of it when we no longer need it
Councillor privacy notice
Read the Councillor privacy notice
Country Parks privacy notice
Read our privacy notice for country parks
Council tax and non-domestic rates privacy notice
Read the privacy notice for the council tax service
Creditors privacy notice
Read the privacy notice for creditors
Customer services privacy notice
Read the privacy notice for customer services
Debtors privacy notice
Read the privacy notice for debtors
Disabled Facilities Grant privacy notice
Read the privacy notice for Disabled Facilities Grants
Early education and childcare privacy notice
Read the privacy notice for early education childcare
Education, health and care privacy notice
Read about the privacy notice for education, health and care
Education inclusion privacy notice
Read the privacy notice for education inclusion
Educational Psychology privacy notice
Read the privacy notice for the Educational Psychology Service
Election staff privacy notice
Read the privacy notice for election staff
Elections canvass reform privacy notice
Read the privacy notice for elections canvass reform
Electoral Registration Officer and Returning Officer Privacy Notice
Read how our Electoral Registration Officer and Returning Officer deal with your personal information
Electoral services privacy policy
Read the privacy policy for electoral services
Employee privacy policy
Read the privacy policy for employees
Environmental health, protection and licensing privacy notice
Read the privacy notice for the Environmental health, protection and licensing service
Event attendance privacy notice
Read the privacy notice for event attendance
External auditors privacy notice
Read the privacy notice for external auditors
Family hubs Privacy Notice
The information sets out our policies and explains the purposes for which personal data is collected and used, how the data is used and disclosed, how long it is kept, and the controller’s legal basis for processing.
Flood risk management privacy notice
Read the privacy notice for the flood risk management team
Funding Fair privacy notice
Read the privacy notice for the Funding Fair service
Guildhall bookings and Facilities Management privacy notice
Read the privacy notice for Guildhall bookings and Facilities Management
Highways privacy notice
Read our Highways privacy notice
Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMO) privacy notice
Read the privacy notice for houses in multiple occupation
Housing needs survey privacy notice
Read our housing needs survey privacy notice
Housing options and homelessness privacy notice
Read the privacy notice for the housing service
Information governance privacy notice
Read the privacy notice for the information governance team
Insurance privacy notice
Read the privacy notice for insurance
Learning and Development privacy notice
Read the privacy notice for the Learning and Development service
Legal services privacy notice
Read the privacy notice for legal services
Libraries privacy notice
Read the privacy notice for the Libraries service
Local land charges privacy notice
Read our local land charges privacy notice
Markets privacy notice
Read the privacy notice for markets
Museums privacy notice
Read the privacy notice for the Museums service
National Fraud Initiative (NFI) privacy notice
Read the privacy notice for the National Fraud Initiative (NFI)
Northants warm homes partnership privacy notice
Read the privacy notice for Northants warm homes partnership
Parking service privacy notice
Read the privacy notice for the parking service
Payments privacy notice
Read the privacy notice for payments
Personal licence holder qualification and exams privacy notice
read the privacy notice for the Personal licence holder qualification and exams service
Planning and climate change policy privacy notice
Read the privacy policy of our planning and climate change service
Planning service privacy notice
Read the privacy notice for the planning service
Private sector housing privacy notice
Read the privacy notice for the private sector housing service
Public Health privacy notice
Read the privacy notice for the Public Health service
Recruitment privacy notice
Read the privacy notice for recruitment services
Registration service privacy notice
Read the privacy notice for the registration service
School admissions privacy notice
Read the privacy notice for the school admissions service
School effectiveness privacy notice
Read the privacy notice for school effectiveness service
School governance privacy notice
Read the privacy notice for school governance
Self-build register privacy notice
Read the privacy notice for the self-build register
SEM Growth Hub and Careers Hub Privacy Notice
Privacy Policy of the SEM Growth Hub and Careers Hub
SEND support service privacy notice
Read the privacy notice for the SEND support service
Sensory Impairment Service privacy notice
Read the privacy notice for the Sensory Impairment Service
Social media privacy notice
Read the privacy notice for social media use
Sports development / Club facility development privacy notice
Read the privacy notice for the Sports development / Club facility development service
Street Doctor privacy policy
Read the privacy policy for Street Doctor
Superfast Northamptonshire privacy notice
Read the privacy notice for Superfast Northamptonshire
Test and trace support payments privacy notice
Read the privacy notice for test and trace support payments
Trading Standards privacy notice
Read the privacy notice for Trading Standards
Virtual school privacy notice
Read the privacy notice for the virtual school
Warden services privacy notice
Read the privacy notice for warden services
Waste kerbside collection service privacy notice
Read the privacy notice for waste kerbside collection service
Waste management HWRCs privacy notice
Read the privacy notice for waste management HWRCs
Website user research privacy notice
Read our website user research privacy notice